Anonymous ID: b79b9d June 26, 2018, 12:46 a.m. No.1908394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8415 >>8698

Anons, we've seen bits of the truth in the media (music, television, movies, video games, etc.).


But have any of you considered any of your own creations? Inspirations that, perhaps, may have been divine as they hint (or more) at the truth?


A year and a half ago, I 'came up' with the idea of a futuristic South Korea where the monetary system was based off the citizens exchanging goods and services for processing powers of their cyberbrains.


They never really understood what it was being used for, as they didn't know they actually lived in a post-scarcity society. The government, however, was using all of their cyberbrains as a massive CPU (? I'm not knowledgeable with tech), to fuel what was essentially a time machine.


The main character had a cyberbrain (as most did, save for the outcasts and true dredges of society), but like many who had cyberbrains who lived in the slums, he could not readily access the Network. Unlike most, it wasn't because he was blocked, but because if he hooked into it via landline (the only way to do so in the story), he overloaded whatever node he was accessing from and fried it.


Turns out, that he could access the Network wirelessly and unlike the others around him, he could actually remember the changes made by the government whenever they tampered with time. Not only that, but if he does use a physical object (like a phone or such), he can use it to contact the past.


Of course, the government is evil. The character finds out. So, in an effort to fight back against them, he starts contacting random people in the past who could potentially undo the damage made by the cabal.