>>1303586 (Twin Peaks entry in 'occult symbolism…' thread)
Twin Peaks – mild spoiler alert
With this post I am mostly trying to make people aware of the show and its general motifs. I assume many on here would enjoy the series. (It is ok to fast-forward through most of the second half of the second season! terrible!)
in total: 3 seasons plus "fire walk with me" and an outtakes release.
I think the series is a master work in 'secret knowledge and conspiracy'
It seems to roll-up many of the major aspects of the 'untold history' of the US / world.
I am honestly beginning to think that JFK left a packet of state secrets with certain individuals as an insurance policy,
and these secrets made it to the creators and are deeply coded into the show, but decipherable
I will return soon with a proper analysis, for now…
themes/symbolism of Twin Peaks, much of this only comes to life through the movie and 3rd season:
human trafficking – girls being controlled and trafficked for sex, One Eyed Jack's is a secretive underage sex trafficking club, several of the trafficked girls die throughout the series. The series begins with the mysterious death of Laura Palmer.
Demons and rituals – 'Satanic'-like ritualistic killings of girls, demonic possession as a central element, ancient occult symbolism as with the owl cave, in the end, occult forces are behind the entire plot
The unknown, lost or secret knowledge – the show carefully defines a subtle 'metaphysics', as the show proceeds various encounters with supernatural entities define this very specific metaphysics. The show is essentially a 'metaphysical thriller' as much as it is 'supernatural.' We are ignorant creatures stuck in 'animal drama' within a limited understanding of reality. Our consciousness is absurd by our understanding, but it's nature is explored via the white lodge, black lodge, and associated entities.
I think the main murder mystery 'who killed Laura Palmer?' is supposed to represent the undermining of American values and innocence. The secret evil deeds executed at our cost. What mysterious forces are corrupting our world? Who killed JFK? How does the main stream surface appearance give way when you investigate like Dale Cooper and the other agents?
the transmigration of souls – Cooper and Diane into another couple in the end, Laura is allowed to heaven or to continue to transmigrate. The ring allows for the capture or destruction of souls.
the giant from the white lodge – representative of: a benevolent alien/entity assisting us from outside of our 'flatworld dome'/'simulation'? A god that can create humans via a thought process and inject them into reality. Our reality is a 2D projected image in the white lodge. The white lodge is 'outside of the matrix / earth-dome', depicted as being on a lone rocky point in a vast dark ocean that is outside of our reality. The giant can communicate to some people, and assists with information and predictions. To him, we are in a determinate movie of sorts, though there is something evil 'editing' the movie-realities. The giant is a watcher over our world. He also traps demons in metallic bell-shaped containers. He is called the fireman, as he watches and responds to 'fires.' He responds to the first atom bomb test, which is depicted as allowing 'the woodsmen' to enter our reality. (note the theory of there being a race of giants in North America, see TEDx on the topic)
the black lodge – representative of: evil aliens/entities that have attacked our 'simulation' and edit the 'movie worlds' of the giant. The lodges were known to the indians who lived in the Twin Peaks area. The two main evil entities are called BOB and Judy. It seems like the black lodge is like a 'loophole' of how realities are manufactured that is exploited by demons to control people and harvest pain (garmonbozia). There are deals and exchanges that are performed within the black lodge. Demons are from the metaphysical level of the outer waterworld of the giant, or perhaps beyond even this in the case of Judy. doppelgängers, essentially evil clones, are created in the black lodge. They seem to be more willing and controlable to demonic forces.
I think that several of the 'real world' plots are meant to represent particular crimes or events of the the deep state – casino and insurance company and fraud → 911 and related crimes?
Anyway, it is a fantastic show that I know many of you would enjoy.