Anonymous ID: c75b7f June 27, 2023, 1:51 a.m. No.19082030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2046












>They are hell bent on making everything worse and pretending it's better.


Yes, it looks as though the medical profession is being destroyed through a phony testing and licensure scheme that apparently could be falsely skewing scores in favor of "minority" applicants for purposes of "diversity, equity, and inclusion."


This has been happening in the legal profession for years, thanks to the China-influenced "American" Bar Association. Remember, lads, if a "society" has the name "American" in it these days, you can pretty much assume it has been infiltrated and is now heavily influenced by foreign actors.


Fortunately there are cracks in the facade as far as the legal profession is concerned, and people whom [THEY] would never suspect are finally talking and spilling the secrets.


These chatty insiders have had knowledge of an alleged long-term, ongoing, criminal scheme to unlawfully license certain Bar applicants while simultaneously unlawfully denying licensure to certain others, and soon it will all be exposed.


Apparently even in a shithole, there is still a person in there with a conscience. I'm not sure if it will be on video (O'Keefe-style), but I know there's some exposure coming soon.


Once the Communist takeover of our legal system's licensing system has been fully exposed, expect that exposure to extend into the currently "woke" medical profession, the "woke" dental profession, the "woke" psychology profession, etc.