Anonymous ID: fb51c6 June 26, 2023, 10:43 p.m. No.19081444   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1455

There must have been several scores of leaks against Trump involving testimony, documents, audio, etc., and they're all obviously coming from the government. Trump's lawyers need to file an immediate motion, with the long list of leaks as an exhibit, asking that the entire case be dismissed because of prosecutorial misconduct and the government's effort to influence the jury pool. Moreover, I would insist that the court determine whether DOJ has opened investigations into these felonies. THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN NOW!

Anonymous ID: fb51c6 June 26, 2023, 10:55 p.m. No.19081480   🗄️.is đź”—kun




ActBlue: The Democrats' $400 Million “Dark Money” Machine


Few have heard of it, but the Left’s fundraising platform of choice is gargantuan, pulling in $407 million in 2020 between its 501(c)(3) ActBlue Charities and (c)(4) Civics arms, along with a whopping $4.2 billion from its PAC.


All of this money went to hundreds or even thousands of left-leaning and “progressive” groups active in the 2020 election, ranging from Priorities USA Action and the Biden Victory Fund—both nine-figure Democratic heavyweights—to radical Greenpeace, the vote-by-mail Voter Participation Center, and the hate-spewing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).


ActBlue’s platform helps left-wing groups raise money from donors, charging them a fee for the service. The group brags that it’s raised close to $10 billion for the Left since 2004.


Yet much of this is “dark money”: funding from untraceable donors using ActBlue to bankroll permanent network of nonprofits in Washington, DC, that are attempting to control or influence the nation’s power centers.


The problem isn’t with the donors, who have a First Amendment right to anonymously fund political causes of their choice, but with how ActBlue helps Activism Inc. avoid the public eye.


Exploiting Loopholes


Conservapedia › ActBlue

Contents · 1 Black Lives Matter · 2 Defund the Police · 3 Thousand Currents · 4 Really American PAC · 5 Foreign interference in elections


Foreign interference in elections


Analysis by the Take Back Action Fund found that nearly half of all donations to ActBlue were made by people claiming to be unemployed. Action Fund President John Pudner said,


"The name of employers must be disclosed when making political donations, but more than 4.7 million donations came from people who claimed they did not have an employer. Those 4.7 million donations totaled $346 million ActBlue raised and sent to liberal causes."


Pudner said the large number is a red flag that some donations may be illicit contributions from foreign interests attempting to impact U.S. elections.


ActBlue, created in 2004, bills itself as a "powerful online fundraising platform available to Democratic candidates and committees, progressive organizations, and nonprofits that share our values for no cost besides a 3.95% processing fee on donations…And we operate as a conduit, which means donations made through ActBlue to a campaign or organization are considered individual donations," its website explains. The website allows credit card donations that are not verified, so anyone from any country in the world can donate without a paper trail. Pudner said.


"ActBlue's insistence on refusing to allow banks to verify their donations is an invitation to foreign programmers or others to send money through them using fake American names, and we encourage them to start letting banks verify the identity of donors to stop the potential for millions of dollars to influence our election.


The issue of unauthenticated political donations was brought to light by The Washington Post during the 2008 presidential election, which was at the time


"allowing donors to use largely untraceable prepaid credit cards that could potentially be used to evade limits on how much an individual is legally allowed to give or to mask a contributor's identity."[18]


ActBlue does not allow banks to verify the identity of the cardholder, meaning someone could buy endless gift cards and list any name they wanted and leave the employer line blank or type in words like 'not employed,' 'unemployed.'


Despite denouncing corporate PAC money being donated to political campaigns, Arizona 2020 Democrat Senate candidate Mark Kelly and his campaign accepted nearly two million dollars from corporate interests, as reported in mid-March 2020 by the America Rising PAC.[19] In addition, Kelly has indirectly received corporate money via Democrat organizations acting as proxies.[20] $1.8 million worth of donations were “earned” from giving speeches alone, as reported in late July 2019.[21] In addition, a fundraiser for Kelly was held on March 26, 2019, with invitations being issued by ActBlue,[22] a group tied to the far-left, anti-American billionaire George Soros.[23]


Thirst For Democracy Fund for Biden-Harris 2024 ActBlue


Donate to reelect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. 100% of your contribution goes directly to President Biden's campaign!

Anonymous ID: fb51c6 June 26, 2023, 11:22 p.m. No.19081570   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1577 >>1666

Remember when Sidney Powell said there were things on pervert Anthony Weiner's laptop that made seasoned NYPD officers vomit? That's another laptop that the FBI sat on and did nothing with.

Anonymous ID: fb51c6 June 26, 2023, 11:29 p.m. No.19081604   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Precedent Set


The Clinton Socks Case: Tapes included a discussion about a U.S. Military involvement in Haiti.


President Trump - "He can't get away from Haiti, can he? He's done 'very well' with Haiti." đź‘€

Anonymous ID: fb51c6 June 26, 2023, 11:54 p.m. No.19081704   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1736

Dr. David E. Martin -


Covid Was An Act Of War Against The Human Race

Anonymous ID: fb51c6 June 27, 2023, 12:03 a.m. No.19081736   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1751



Dr. David E. Martin -


Covid Was An Act Of War Against The Human Race