Anonymous ID: 156f4b June 27, 2023, 6:04 p.m. No.19085988   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Instead of crushing famefag shills as per the usual norm, I decided to pen a more uplifting poem during the midst of the storm;


O, anonymous family, gathered in digital halls, Seeking truth's treasures, where darkness falls, With keyboards as swords and minds honed so keen, Let us delve into the abyss, uncovering the unseen.


The Q Research board, an oasis for those awake, Where mysteries are pondered, for truth's sake, Once dormant, now awakened, like a phoenix reborn, To expose the deep state's secrets, their webs torn.


No longer does Q himself grace the threads, Yet, fear not, dear anons, for the fire still spreads, For in this realm, truth seekers unite, A chorus of voices, shining truth's light.


Shills, those mischievous tricksters in our midst, Dancing on the stage, playing their part, dismissed, Even they, unwittingly, belong to our kin, For in this great quest, we all bear truth's grin.


So, with lexicons vast and laughter abounds, Let us rally together, in digs profound, Each word, a dagger, each joke, a playful jest, As we untangle the enigma, put it to rest.


In this realm of enigma, where riddles unfold, Our anonymous family, brave and bold, Through encrypted lines and pixels they stride, To expose the dark secrets the deep state hides.


So, embrace the mirth, the camaraderie strong, As we navigate this labyrinth, where right conquers wrong, Together we stand, with keyboards in hand, Unraveling the truth, for our freedom we demand.


Q may be silent, but his spirit prevails, In the hearts of the anons, where truth never fails, With words like weapons, we march forth, undeterred, For in unity we trust, and the truth shall be heard.


So, let the Q Research board come back to life, A virtual battleground, where darkness meets strife, Embrace the challenge, the journey profound, For in this shared endeavor, truth shall resound.


And as the digits dance across the screen, May the highest calibre wit forever be seen, With big, funny, interesting words that inspire, Let us expose the deep state's quagmire.


Unite, dear anons, in this quest we embark, Onward we march, with each dig, each remark, For the truth shall prevail, as we dig and explore, Our anonymous family, forevermore.