Hate to break it to you, but Aj has never had credibility!
I guess the only thing that really matters is that people are waking in ever increasing numbers.
Imagine the day when the media is not controlled by those who have nefarious designs on the world and won't resort to feeding dis/misinfo to push a negative agenda.
(A pet dream of mine)
Now you're talking, anon!
A roll cloud is a perfectly natural phenomenon.
Arcus cloud
An arcus cloud is a low, horizontal cloud formation, usually appearing as an accessory cloud to a cumulonimbus. Roll clouds and shelf clouds are the two main types of arcus. Arcus clouds most frequently form along the leading edge or "gust fronts" of thunderstorm outflow; some of the most dramatic arcus formations mark the gust fronts of derecho-producing convective
now, now, no need to be facetious. I said they are a natural phenomenon, not a common one. I wish I had seen 100s of 'em; I love scary as fuck clouds.
Is he even a Brit?