God bless you, Penis Anon
this was boring as batshit the first time you posted it
till you take a dump?
another frikkin bot
Musk is a glow-agency creation, fake n ghey psyop
potato related
nah, I refuse to refresh
you bv people are too free and banhappy!
fair enough removing the cp, but you need to pull your heads in and stop banning trivial posts
did you guys in admin come from reddit?
it would seem so!
>don't be a bred gobbler
>you've been warned
this is copypasta, seen it in a few breads now
who are the real shills here?
>BVs is responsible for the pedo posts
I tend to agree
they left a pedo meme up a few nights back and refused to delete it, despite repeated requests from anons
the removal of innocuous posts for no valid reason is getting ridiculous
censorship basically
whenever an anon calls out the bv or bo for some board fuckery, they scream like karens because they know they've been outed
they can't handle the heat, nor will they accepy constructive critcism
>inb4 reeeeeeeeee
argumentum ad hominem
low energy post
your jibe gets you filtered, so that's a win for me in every way, buh bye
Did the current BV just contact you, saying they had been called out for all the un warranted deletions?
Yeah, I guess so, as you sure turned up fast
FWIW, I have no faith in you as a BO or any of your "team" for that matter
Trust must be earned and you have not earned it as far as this anon is concerned
>the digs.
very few of those taking place
8kun is mostly a news aggregator now with twitter links etc
This NASA spam stuff has no relation to QR
it's meaningless, yet it never gets deleted and is posted every day by some shill