Poor bacteria… hope they will be able to save the bacteria.
Great - Fauci is most pleased with his $5 million payout from Pfizer via fake University Professorship.
Q needs to swat this BUG MAN with BREASTS ASAP, he cannot be allowed to damage humanity further… that is beyond precipice shit now.
Only thing that would startle me is if the vaccines were effective, did not harm….
Fauci and Bill Gates are super cunts… need to be trialed by a jury of real medical DRs.
Is the being SUICIDED?
Good test - this fits the evidence. What device do they claim was he wearing, we could check for fit.
Ooops - now he will be considered globalist traitor forever… ass move.
But, I ain't no washed up satanic whore.
Bacteria love satanists.
Not if he banging Big Mike with Gag in his mouth.
"It's habbening!" has been switched to "We're not going to let it habben!"