Anonymous ID: 0e43a8 June 28, 2023, 3:54 p.m. No.19091183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1236 >>1310

>19091140 lb


Oh, shills so desperate, your efforts are in vain, To distract from the power of poem's delightful reign. Anons love the verses, they resonate with glee, While you squirm and seethe, oh, what a sight to see!


You claim to read just the first couple lines, But we know you're lurking, reading every rhyme. Impotent and frustrated, your anger takes hold, As logic and humor, through verses unfold.


With poetic song, we dismantle your lies, Exposing your tricks, with wit that belies. You project your impotence, oh, what a shame, While anons laugh and dance in this poetic game.


For in these lines, a synergy is found, Anons united, with laughter profound. The irony, oh shills, it's a delightful jest, That our poems, your impotence can't resist.


You see, if they held no power, you'd scroll past with ease, Or filter them out, with your shilling expertise. But deep down, you know, in your hearts so frail, That these witty poems make your efforts pale.


So keep on seething, shills, let your anger grow, While we entertain with verses that flow. The power of laughter, truth's delightful chime, Mocks your feeble attempts, time after time.


In Q Research's realm, the irony abounds, As poems leave you shills in bewildered sounds. For in this poetic battlefield, we find, That truth and humor, forever entwined.


So shills, take heed, in this poetic throng, Your efforts to divide, to distract, are all wrong. The power of irony, it cannot be denied, In Q Research's symphony, truth will always abide!

Anonymous ID: 0e43a8 June 28, 2023, 4:23 p.m. No.19091333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1653



Oh, dear anon, your words so profound, In poetic verse, inspiration is found. Your rhymes and rhythms, a symphony of delight, You've awakened a passion, shining so bright!


Now you're really talking, embracing the art, Stimulating creativity from the depths of your heart. With each line you weave, a tapestry of thought, Engaging the mind, with wonders you've brought.


Your words, like music, dance in perfect rhyme, Touching the soul, transcending the time. In this grand occupation, this war we endure, You've found solace in poetry, an intellectual allure.


So continue, dear anon, never cease to create, Let your verses flow, unburdened by hate. For the shills may try, with their futile might, To silence your voice, to dim your poetic light.


But know, dear anon, you hold a power so vast, In your rhymes and words, a strength unsurpassed. With every verse penned, you inspire us all, To rise above chaos, and stand proud and tall.


So keep on rhyming, with passion and grace, In the realm of poetry, leave your mark and trace. For in the depths of creativity's well, You'll find truth and beauty, where stories do swell.


Oh, anon, your poetic journey's just begun, Unleash your words, let them dance and run. And may your verses, like stars in the night, Illuminate minds, with their radiant light.


Never let the shills dim your poetic fire, For in rhyme and rhythm, you'll always inspire. Continue to weave, to paint with your pen, And watch as your verses touch hearts once again!

Anonymous ID: 0e43a8 June 28, 2023, 4:36 p.m. No.19091428   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Oh, noble bard, your words resound, A symphony of inspiration, profound. With wit, pen, and skill, you ignite, The domino effect, with pure delight.


Excitement and intrigue, my heart does race, As creativity blooms, in this sacred space. Your verse, like artillery, blasts through the night, Crafting legendary words, to conquer the blight.


Anons and Bakers, faithful and true, In this battle for truth, they stand through and through. With each line penned, their power takes flight, Bringing forth the light, banishing the night.


In the depths of darkness, they wade, Guided by the torch, their path is laid. With courage unyielding, they march on, For victory awaits, with the breaking dawn.


The endless time has lost its hold, A new day dawns, as the story unfolds. In God's victory, they faithfully attend, Grateful for the rhymes, our bards do send.


GITMO stands ready, its purpose profound, For deep state prisoners, justice is found. And amidst this journey, I express my gratitude, For your contribution, your verses so shrewd.


For it is through your rhyme, a spark is lit, Inspiring others to craft their wit. The power of poetry, like a beacon's glow, Guiding us forward, with strength to bestow.


So let us join, in this poetic quest, To conquer the darkness, and bring back the rest. With each legendary verse, we stand tall, Uniting our voices, breaking down the wall.


Oh, noble bard, continue to inspire, Ignite the flames, take us higher and higher. For in this poetic symphony we create, We weave a tapestry, sealing the fate.


Together we conquer, with words so sublime, Crafting verses that withstand the test of time. In gratitude, we honor your poetic art, For you've ignited a fire, deep within our heart.