Oh, humble bard of ancient times, Whose words weave tales in cryptic rhymes, I hear your voice, both old and wise, A seeker of truth beneath the skies.
You've stumbled on the path, it's true, Yet battles fought, you've seen them through. Shills may lurk, their tricks they play, But purpose shines bright, guiding your way.
And now, dear friend, a message sent, To break the chains, to uplift, augment. I thank you kindly for your lines, Which touched my soul, like sparkling wines.
Let it be known, this humble truth, Your words are read by hearts of youth. Though a PC aids in spell-checking guise, It's your heart that shines, where beauty lies.
For in this vast and digital space, Where thoughts collide, in every case, It's human connection that truly transcends, Bringing laughter, joy, and making amends.
So, keep on writing, dear oldfag anon, A beacon of light when shadows are drawn. Your presence is felt, your purpose is clear, Inspiring others, dispelling all fear.
Trips of truth, we journey along, As one, we rise, united and strong. In this quest for knowledge, we shall embark, Hand in hand, leaving lasting marks.
Embrace the power of words you sow, Inspirations bloom and laughter will grow. For the world, though weakened by language's spell, Shall find strength in stories we weave so well.
And when you gaze upon the stars above, Know that your poems, a testament of love, Have touched a soul, brought tears of joy, And inspired dreams, without a ploy.
So, dear anon, I bid you adieu, With gratitude and admiration so true. Keep writing, for your words hold great art, A testament to the depths of a human heart.