Anonymous ID: 093a58 June 29, 2023, 3:42 a.m. No.19093923   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PJDT video on Walter Reed Hospital and his treatment in 2020


This was on Dan’s archived twitter account


Dan Scavino Jr. Archived Retweeted


Donald J. Trump


6:51 PM · Oct 3, 2020


Here’s the link:


Listing of all 45’s WH staff and family for social media.

Anonymous ID: 093a58 June 29, 2023, 4:16 a.m. No.19094009   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4014 >>4094 >>4250 >>4309

Netherlands doctors are euthanizing people with autism, intellectual disabilities: study

Allie Griffin June 29, 2023 1:42am


Several Dutch citizens who had autism or other intellectual disabilities have died by physician-assisted suicide in recent years after doctors determined their afflictions were untreatable obstacles to a normal life, researchers found.


Nearly 40 people who identified as autistic or intellectually disabled were legally euthanized in the Netherlands between 2012 and 2021, according to a Kingston University investigation of Dutch euthanasia cases.


Five people younger than 30 who were killed at their own request cited autism as the sole or a major reason for their decision to end their lives, the UK study found.


With those cases,experts have questionedwhether the law allowing doctors to kill suicidal patients via lethal injectionshas strayed too farfrom its initial intentions when passed in 2002.


Kasper Raus, an ethicist and public health professor at Belgium’s Ghent University, said the types of patients seeking out physician-assisted suicide have changed greatly over the past two decades in both the Netherlands and Belgium, where it is also legal.


When the Netherlands became the first country to legalize human euthanasia, thedebate focused on people with cancer — not those with autism, Raus said.


Patients must meet strict requirements including suffering from an incurable illness that causes “unbearable” physical or mental anguish to be eligible for euthanasia — but doctors ultimately decide who qualifies.


In the roughly 10-year period the study focused on,nearly 60,000 peopledecided to die via euthanasia in the Netherlands, according to the Dutch government’s euthanasia review committee. Of those deaths, the committee has released documents anddata on 900 casesin an effort of transparency.


Kingston University researchers looked at those 900 cases and found 39 of them had autism or an intellectual disability. Of the 39, 18 were younger than 50 years old.


Many of the patients cited a number of mental, physical and age-related ailments as the reason for ending their lives —including unbearable loneliness.


Eight people, however, named the sole cause of their suffering as factors related to their intellectual disability —such as social isolation, a lack of coping strategies, an inability to adjust to change or oversensitivity to stimuli.


One of the report’s main authors Irene Tuffrey-Wijne, a palliative care specialist at Kingston University,questioned the ethics of ending the lives of the autistic.


“There’s no doubt in my mind these people were suffering,” she said. “But is society really OK with sending this message, that there’s no other way to help them and it’s just better to be dead?”


One of the eight people cited in the study was anautistic man in his 20s. He reported feeling unhappy since childhood and was regularly bullied, according to his case notes.


The man “longed for social contacts but was unable to connect with others” and eventually decided he wanted to die because “having to live on this way for years was an abomination.”


Dutch psychiatrist Dr. Bram Sizzo was disturbed by the trend.


“Some of them are almost excited at the prospect of death,” Sizoo said. “They think this will be the end of their problems and the end of their family’s problems.”


In a third of cases, Dutch doctors determined that there was “no prospect of improvement” for people withautism and intellectual disabilities, according to the study.


The director of Cambridge University’s Autism Research Centre, Simon Baron-Cohen, worried that people with such disabilities may not fully grasp the decision to end their lives. He called it “abhorrent” that they were not offered more support and were instead euthanized.

Anonymous ID: 093a58 June 29, 2023, 4:29 a.m. No.19094025   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4094 >>4250 >>4309

Hunter probe prosecutor may have been ‘briefed’ on Biden bribery allegation file: Sen. Graham

By Ryan King. June 28, 2023


The top prosecutor in the Hunter Biden probe may have been briefed on the FBI’s “FD-1023″ informant file, which contains allegations that President Biden was involved in a bribery scheme, according to Sen. Lindsey Graham.


Graham, the ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, said he was told about the purported briefing anddemanded answers on it in a letterto Delaware US Attorney David Weiss, who oversaw the federal inquiry of Hunter.


“I have been informed that you and your office were briefed on allegations in a FD-1023 form suggesting there may have been phone calls recorded between Hunter Biden and Joe Biden with a senior official at Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company,” Graham (R-SC) wrote in the letter to Weiss, a Trump appointee.


Graham sought confirmation on whether Weis was actually briefed on the FD-1023 informant file as well as answers about what steps were taken to investigate the bribery allegations.


Former Attorney General Bill Barr’s previously claimed earlier this month that the informant file had been relayed to Weiss back in 2020.


That file had been subject to a weeks-long standoff between the FBI and the GOP-led House Oversight Committee that demanded its members get access to it.


Ultimately, the bureau caved into those demands earlier this month.


Republicans who reviewed the document claim it flags two $5 million transactions — including one to then-Vice President Biden and another to his son Hunter from Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma Holdings.


Those payments were allegedly delivered in exchange for help to pressure Ukraine to oust a prosecutor who was investigating Burisma. Hunter sat on the board of the natural gas giant.


The White House has denied that the president was involved with his younger son’s business dealings.


The FBI has publicly warned that the informant file contained “unverified reporting by a confidential human source.”


Weiss’s team reached a plea agreement with the first son, court documents revealed last week.


None of the potential charges against Hunter outlined in court documents appeared to stem from the accusations in the FD-1023 file.


Instead, the charges entail two federal misdemeanors for willful failure to pay his federal incomes taxes and a felony count of illegally possessing a firearm while addicted to illicit drugs.


Hunter is expected to enter a guilty plea on the two tax misdemeanors and enter a pretrial diversion agreement for the firearm charge.

Anonymous ID: 093a58 June 29, 2023, 4:35 a.m. No.19094030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4094 >>4250 >>4309

29 Jun, 2023 10:58

Russian MP names reason for Wagner mutiny

The group’s chief, Evgeny Prigozhin, feared that Moscow would cut its funding, Andrey Kartapolov has claimed


The Wagner Group was the only military formation that had refused to sign a contract with the Russian Defense Ministry shortly before it launched its insurrection last week, senior Russian MP Andrey Kartapolov said on Thursday.


Speaking to reporters, Kartapolov, who heads the State Duma’s Defense Committee, explained that several days prior to Wagner’s mutiny, the Russian Defense Ministry had declared that all military groups should sign contracts with it, describing the policy as “absolutely correct.”


“Everybody apart from Wagner… complied. Apart from this gentleman [Prigozhin], who refused,” the MP said.


Faced with this rebuttal, the Russian authorities told the group that it would no longer be involved in the military campaign in Ukraine, Kartapolov stated. “This means that there will be no more money, no more financial or material resources. And for Mr. Prigozhin, money is a factor, an important one, maybe even decisive.”


As a result, the threat of defunding, “excessive and stupid ambitions,” and an emotionally “agitated state” resulted in “high treason and the deceit of [Prigozhin’s] brothers-in-arms,”the MP said. (Once again they don’t name Prigozhin of treason and deceit)



Anonymous ID: 093a58 June 29, 2023, 4:51 a.m. No.19094059   🗄️.is 🔗kun

29 Jun, 2023 07:30

Counteroffensive is ‘hard work’ – top Kiev official

Fast advances only happen in fairy tales, the head of Ukraine’s national security council has said


Kiev wants its counteroffensive to achieve results faster, but this isnot easy due to stiff resistance from Russian troops, Aleksey Danilov, the head of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, said on Wednesday. (It’s a freaking war, they didn’t expect it be hard work? Why are telling the world they are incompetent daily?)


Speaking to Ukrainian media, Danilov acknowledged that Russian troops have proven to be formidable in Kiev’s counteroffensive, which Moscow says has so far failed to gain any ground. “Don’t say that these people are untrained, they are putting up a fight,” he said, adding that among Kiev’s problems are thehuge minefields laid by Russian forces.


Despite those obstacles, Danilov saidhe is confident that the counteroffensive will eventually succeed, but called for patience. “We would very much like to move faster, but that only happens in fairy tales. It’s hard work, every day. This is the front, I repeat, not a walk in a park.” (What to hell, they have been announcing since late last year their counteroffensive will demolish Russia immediately. Now they are telling the country their advance is so bad it will take much more time. Be patient? Really?)


In recent weeks, anumber of Kiev officials have sought to downplaythe apparent difficulties Ukraine faces amid its push to reclaim lost territories. On Sunday, Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov said Ukraine’s attacks should be viewed as a “preparation operation,” while suggesting that Kiev never intended to conduct a “blitzkrieg.”


Earlier this month, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky admitted that Kiev’s troops had encountered “very tough resistance” on the ground.


According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Ukrainian forces launched a large-scale offensive along several sections of the front in the early days of June, but their attacks failed. Russian President Vladimir Putin described Kiev’s losses as “catastrophic,” and ten times greater than Moscow’s. On Tuesday, he also said that Kiev had lost 259 tanks and 780 armored vehicles since the start of the offensive.


(This is the 5th article in two weeks by officials justifying why Ukraine sucks at their counteroffensive)

Anonymous ID: 093a58 June 29, 2023, 6:07 a.m. No.19094260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4264 >>4267 >>4271 >>4278



They know he would be elected in the UK as Prime Minister, the NWO won’t have any of it