If you're in much of the country and you're not running multiple HEPA filters, your lungs are starting to hurt
>The establishment are trying to force me out of the UK by closing my bank accounts
Shem you didn't owe them a bunch of money when you were forced out. That's the best way.
Wow that's so inspiring. I guess it would be accurate to say "no jews, no trans kids"
>your DNA has a time limit pre installed
CoQ10 Ubiquinone?
Jonestown sells it but you can get normal brands too
>these nato guys post DOZENS of photos and videos of themselves hanging out with the ukrainian military in kramatorsk with geotags attached and tag each other in every instagram post.
Oh, no.
>polypodium parasites vax moderna like octopus thing with legs
>Waiting to buy it back at a steep discount
Kek - sneaky financial tricks. Don't do a DNA test anon. You might be scared by the results
So she had this new monster look in 2020 during covid
In 2017 when she was committing insurrection she had the old look.
Just saying
>Can bacteria alter your consciousness? Ask Toxoplasma Gondii or a catโฆ
Toxoplasma Gondii is not a bacteria. Fungus has a real history associated with mind control.
You know how simpsons predicts everything?
Brain slug. Fungus that can move.
>another conpiracy theory food aspartame true poison
fake foods:
all "juices"
"olive oil"
any other "food oil"
>73% of North Atlantaic SST warming since 1996 arrived in just 3 weeks of 2023
climate change has always been about climate weapons
your logic will not help you here.
>All food oils are bad? So butter is best?
There's no easy answer to the food oil problem
Don't fry with butter. Over ~300F it breaks down to bad stuff. Coconut oil is the same. What they call olive oil is the same
Lard works for frying, or bacon grease. That's what we use. Farmers market.
>Don't fry with butter
America uses too much butter in cooking, and it's not real. We can't get good butter any more. We used to be able to get real butter from a farmer & it was great but would go bad very quickly.
What they call butter at the store is nor butter IMO
>doesn't smoke at high heat, so no bad byproducts
It's not the smoking that's the issue. It breaks down into smaller parts - the ones I listed. You would not see smoke. I don't know about "avocado oil", but personally I doubt if it's good.
Lard is good. They scared people off lard in the 70s. Revisit lard.
>The White Hat Narratives are far more effective
Usually, the evil narrative is very powerful - they do a few shows where they have white cops kill blacks. That's the usual narrative.
We just haven't seen them pull that shit this cycle, yet.
Don't assume they won't pull the same shit.
Look at georgia. Raffensburger holding onto those machines for dear life. Pulling the same shit is what they do
Stacy abrams meeting with european powers
>When the oil gets too hot and smokes, that's when the bad particles are created.
Not in my experience. There are real papers about the temperatures when they break down. You can look into your avocado oil. Your old wives method about smoke is not necessarily true
>Q's post is referring to
multiple meanings exist.
protect your DNA is protect your DNA
>222nm (or so) of light will do the trick
>Harmonic frequencies (as long as you hit them to like 6 digits) will do the trick
>I am thinking magnets easiest
sounds totally fucking schizo tbh
>peanut oil
Yeah the good thing about that is there really is a large source of peanuts so you can believe that it actually came from peanuts
Lard has a long history and people did not used to be fat like this