>>19093536 (lb)
One last word on this, then I'm going to bed.
Anons, it appears to me that this is yet another form of human trafficking, but it's one we haven't much heard about. It's something beyond elder abuse because there seems to be a profit motive behind it. They stole this person's identity. I'm not sure what continued harassment gains for them, except maybe they are hoping to commit this person so that they can further milk the system of their support? This person found themself in a nursing home when they were recovering from horrible injuries resulting from a fall. Most nursing home residents are there permanently, but this one "escaped" after their ID theft. And the pursuers are still trying to rob them of everything.
When this person first told me their story, I wondered if maybe it was related to the type of document fraud going on in AZ that got all that publicity. As in, somehow a cartel thing, maybe? Might that explain how it has followed this person over such a distance?