Anonymous ID: d958d8 June 29, 2023, 3:53 a.m. No.19093948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4303

In that case, was the BBC trying to tell the world something?



>CMZ on point tonight!


>There are talks of the "aliens" having a craft that is seemingly 30 feet in diameter on the outside, but as big as a football stadium on the inside.

>No "inter-dimensional science" is required.

>This can actually be done with our current understanding of science…

>He links this article in his discussion:



>Rarely see him here.

>Codemonkey, ya neva cawl, ya neva visit… <sniff!>


The TARDIS (/ˈtɑːrdɪs/; acronym for "Time And Relative Dimension In Space") is a fictional hybrid of the time machine and spacecraft that appears in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who and its various spin-offs. Its exterior appearance mimics a police box, an obsolete type of telephone kiosk that was once commonly seen on streets in Britain. Paradoxically, its interior is shown as being much larger than its exterior, commonly described as being "bigger on the inside".


Due to the significance of Doctor Who in popular British culture, the shape of the police box is now more strongly associated with the TARDIS than its real-world inspiration. The name and design of the TARDIS is a registered trademark of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), despite the fact that the design was originally created by the Metropolitan Police Service.[1][2]