I don't fear their weak spirits.
Jesus talked about the wheat farmer who was sabotaged in the middle of the night by someone who planted weeds in his wheat field.
The farmer decided to let the weeds grow, so as not to harm the young wheat, by pulling the weeds up.
Now this was risky, because the weeds could be so evasive, it could kill his wheat.
But the farmer knew his wheat was strong, and so at the harvest, he took the weeds up first, and burned them in a horrible fire, then he seperated the chaff from the wheat, and burned the chaff too, and what was left was pure, honest beautiful wheat, to repopulate earth next season.
Perhaps Joe Biden is part of the Great Reset plan, issued by Globalist Jews?
The words of Jesus are beautiful to those who are pure and honest, and horrifying to those who practice evil under the guise of Satan's bidding, who was Peter, who in the end, preached the words of Jesus to anyone who would listenโฆ
Remember, Peter denied Jesus, the the rooster crowed 3 times.
This was necessary to set up the final judgement, where Satan can't be an excuse.
We all have a cross to bear.
This battle for survival, is those of us who find the Truth in the words of Jesus comforting, against those who find the truth unbearable.
Some may call this religion, I call it the Spirit of Truth. Supposed to be Holy and right with all that is good in the life giving energy that is God.
Why do the Jews hate Jesus if your words are truth?
You know in your community who is good and honest.
But God knows who is REALLY good and honest, and that cannot be faked.
Who is the head of this Monarch you speak of.
The definition of a Monarchy is a single person, or a family with a head of that family.
All I know is it's not easy to walk in the steps of Jesus, nor would I want to.
But, seeking the truth is, in my opinion, the only way to stay on the path to God, because as Jesus explained, and this offends some, but the path or gait (passage) is a narrow one, and few there be that get through it.
Hence, speaking the true words of Jesus, not just some of them, but all of them, offends most people.
People like to hear the for God so love the world, he gave his only son, so that they might see the truth
But then you remind people that he was speaking to the leader of the Jews when he said that, and that that leader and all the followers of that leader and his Temple, rejected Jesus even though they admitted to Jesus they believe he was a man of Godโฆ
Now, go into walmart or even a church, and yell, it was the Jews who rejected Jesus and had him killed, and you will get the majority hating on you, even though it's written in the book they are thumping at you.
Even Peter, one of his own followers, denied him.
And they lined the streets of Jerusalm to kick and hit and spit on him as he carried the cross up the hill.
So, you're statement is a lied base upon what the bible says, and Josephus.
Proving that even the courts are swayed by public opinion and therefore not to be trusted either.
>There were some who gave mercy to Jesus
Yes, and they were later arrested, or had to fllee, but they were the seeds of Christianity, and were rewarded greatly for their suffering in the name of Christ.
My Daughter is reporting it's pretty bad in West Virginia.
Already filtered the spammer. Posts are missing dates. so fake.
My guess is a low pressure zone trapped a bunch of chemtrail fallout, because out here in Western CO we were chemtrailed like crazy for at least a month, then last few days, pure blue skies, but the bees are missing.