again, there will be no saving or meeting or anything at all until I made a nice holyday without even the slightest thing annoying me.
also, you "white" masons are not exactly smart, even though that seems to be your thing. two flies with one hand? you are nothing compared to me.
and asking me for something honest is the stupidest thing ever, it proves nothing and is easy to manipulate, but yeah, you are in fact stupid, so that´s that.
and I don´t care if you now "believe". why would that even matter when you can approach me and maybe learn next year?
money, bubble, holyday, and after that there will be scheduled stuff like church sunday I guess.
I know you beg me for the breastplate, but I will not give it to you.
what you all are looking for is me feeling nice emotions. me being annoyed by you "right here" is not how it works.
you will all be without protection.