Anonymous ID: 0be90f June 26, 2018, 7:03 a.m. No.1909780   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Had this convo.many times.


Then one stayed. A liberal.

Programned at little Red Schoolhouse in the village, a commie nursery.

Probably in the 6%

In the fullness of time to complete our knowing.

Anonymous ID: 0be90f June 26, 2018, 7:32 a.m. No.1909992   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Newfags anons are researchers.

this is not a chat room, discussions concern research

not are aids ridden joo fags responsible for volcanos or whatevah.

Those are ye shills.


do NOT engage shills, not the 20 buck an hour rentashills

or the McNoNames who try the usual cabal street magic because "it always worked before.:"


this is an an information war, learn the tactics.

You're mind is the battle field and you need to change the terrain if you want darkness light.


Do NOT engage shills


Do NOT correct their errors of fact. Shill insults and errors are deliberate and are intended to trigger programmed responses.

Anonymous ID: 0be90f June 26, 2018, 8:01 a.m. No.1910215   🗄️.is 🔗kun



JD became and admirer of Hunter S at a time when it was no longer possible to admire Hunter.

It's like a TV show that starts out great, becomes good, and by the 7'th season is a staggering corpse, dramatically lifeless, showing clear signs of psychosis which people continue to watch out of long habit.


Courageous writers do die from intrepid explorations of reality. He was intrepid, but became self indulgent, contemptuous of himself and his audience, and in the end was a caricature of his fictional fear and loathing self. That shell was what Depp met and admired, what he took for a model.

I like Depp but if he doesn't jump hip - he may already be gone.

In the end Hunter was possessed.

And since we are (semi) anonymous, the last time I saw HDT I watched his eyes from for feet away across the table as his skank GF whispered in his ear something about an orgy.

Hunter snorted. "Orgy? Orgy! He was embarrassed, because he had once aspired to be more than a journalist or a Sybarite.

He later accused the owner of the Woody Creek Tavern, who had put up with his freeloading for years, of padding his sandwich tab. Some anons say he made snuff flicks out there in Woody Creek. Don't know about that, or if he was possessed at the end. Never talked about Satanism, or Gnosticism, but it is the sort of stupid shit excessively exuberant explorers fall victim to.

Anonymous ID: 0be90f June 26, 2018, 8:15 a.m. No.1910335   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons who advocate violence are not anons. The effective weapons are truth and love. learn to use them. Our enemies fear such greatly.


Operators are standing by where force is required.