Anonymous ID: 0d906b June 26, 2018, 6:53 a.m. No.1909701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9749 >>9780 >>9809


part of it is an emotional detachment, or an ability to emotionally detach and view the facts, and drill down to the black and white of the issue at hand.

This makes them impossible to be emotionally manipulated.


You're married, so you've seen this game. But this is autist version:


her: "I get mad when you do X'

autist "That's not my problem if you get mad.'


her: "You don't love me if you don't do Y'

autist: 'not true, one has nothing to do with the other'


her: "Why won't you come with me? I want you to come with me. Everyone else will be there."

autist "Because I dont want to."


her: "You're impossible!'

autist: "you're only mad because Im not doing what you want me to do."


her: "Im leaving!"

autist: "You are an adult and free to do what you want."

Anonymous ID: 0d906b June 26, 2018, 7:08 a.m. No.1909815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9864


>10 of us


I've had difficulty maintaining relationships. I always thought (and have been told) that I don't 'feel' enough, and that makes me broken. On the other hand, I've been awake for years. I saw that CNN lightened George Zimmerman's picture in 2012. It was a false photo. That irritated me no end that they falsely portrayed something. I can't begin to explain the feeling I have when an untruth is presented to me as truth. insulted that they would try to trick me, angry that they insulted my intelligence, irritation that nobody else is paying attention that they did this, irritation that the lightened photo was not 'correct'. Not rage, but an irritation that does not go away until I find out the truth. It sits in you like a burr. Sometimes you go 'I know they are lying, something doesn't add up.' and you dig and dig and ask questions and your GF accuses you of acting like an interrogator. But you find the truth because truth is paramount. Once you find the truth, its an AHA I KNEW IT!! then the burr, the irritation is relieved. And you feel smugly superior to the idiots who tried to trick you.

Anonymous ID: 0d906b June 26, 2018, 7:26 a.m. No.1909951   🗄️.is 🔗kun


kim's been more quiet since that Arab princess Shiekha Latifa was murdered by her father. She knew she was going to be killed, put out a Youtube video about her torture and imprisonment and tried to escape. Her father somehow got the India navy to stop her boat, confiscate her and return her to Dubai. Kim tried to raise awareness of her plight and let us know when she was killed.

All his servers and files are still in US hands. It would be really fun to know if that is part of the ALL that Q has. Im sure it is, but would love to have that confirmed.

Anonymous ID: 0d906b June 26, 2018, 7:34 a.m. No.1910008   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Great news to me, just saw the Supreme Court upheld the travel ban as legal and constitutional.


We knew it would be, the president is the sole head of state regarding matters of and outside our borders. Our legislature can only legislate inside our borders.


BUT 100%%%%%% FAbulous NEWS and WINNING!!!!!