Anonymous ID: 2148ee June 26, 2018, 7:09 a.m. No.1909825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9862 >>9968

Bear with me Anons. Story time. I'll make it as brief as I can.


My grandmother is 97. Smartest person I know. Double promoted in school back when they allowed that sort of thing. She was in college at 16. You can bring up something as random as Argentina cuisine and she can hold a conversation, or bring up common conversation like the faults in the political system and she can hold a conversation. Even now at 97. Her mind has not slowed down. She still lives alone, her own home, pays her bills, walks to get breakfast. Very independent for 97. Heck, for 77.


I take her to the Doctor. Took a day off yesterday and we went to the Doc. Normally her car conversations are brilliant. Last time we went to the Doctor she was talking about sub-atomic particles. The hilarious thing with her is these conversations always come out of something, she doesn't just sit down and start going on about this stuff.


Her life made me torn on a lot of ideas. The idea of being enslaved is not fitting for her lifestyle. She's owned her own home, as in, mortgage completely paid off, since I can remember. She's moved at least 5 or 6 times in my lifetime, every home, paid in cash. She was a simple school teacher that saved her money (depression baby), made a few investments, and earned and developed what she had into a very comfortable life now. She retired at 62. 35 years of just chilling and enjoying the world. She writes novels as a hobby. Not much published but it keeps her brain going and it's awesome to see her have a hobby. She's had this hobby and has been retired since before I was born. So I see someone like her, never gave into religion but is extremely spiritual, she's insanely smart, to the point she's not very emotional. High IQ types are like this. No hugs or anything. She loves. She just shows it in her own ways.


97 years. Retired at 62. Full out home owner for 35+ years, spiritual, never held down by religion or fake guilt, …it made me think there was a way to ignore the system and be free in your own world.


And then I took her to the Doctor yesterday….


She always claimed she votes democrat strictly "for her pension". Ok, ok. Not the right reason to vote but if my ass was …if ANY of us was dependent on that money to feed us, we would probably find a way to vote that way, too. Maybe not. Not the point.


She bought Comey's book and read it cover to cover and wanted to pass it on to me. I politely said "no thanks". She said "are you becoming a Republican?!" Then went into a rant on all the "horrible" things Trump has been and is doing.


I'm not going to try and redpill a 97 year old. Her life has been lived in full. Let her finish it happy as is. But, damn. They even have their grips this deeply. This sort of deception makes me want to quit my job and just protest full-time. She has so much knowledge and history in her and how much of it is lies and deception. The history of the world as she sees it is so wrong.



I want to fight with you. Sitting on this board was old 6 months ago. The opposition is editing county lines for votes. Rallying people to get public grouping and rallys this weekend. They mock and slander, push anger and hate. The masses willfully stay ignorant.

Anonymous ID: 2148ee June 26, 2018, 7:17 a.m. No.1909888   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9951

What happened to Kim Dot Com? He was making a lot of waves early on with all of this and I haven't heard from him at all lately. I ask only because last night I saw a biography of some sort on him pop up on hulu.

Anonymous ID: 2148ee June 26, 2018, 7:37 a.m. No.1910031   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0048 >>0050 >>0091


Johnny Depp and Marylin Manson are virtually best friends. Has anyone dug on Manson outside of the few album covers and Lavey pics just to help justify an opinion?


Truthfully, I don't feel Depp OR Manson is cabal. Manson especially. The guy had fame and fortune for about 3 years in the 90's, then Columbine was blamed almost entirely on him. After that he was broken, his career never has recovered, now he's almost 50 and completely irrelevant. Does this sound like someone working for the cabal? Come on.


Is Manson a weird fuck that has ties to satanism in his early days? Yes. Is he dark? Yes. Is he cabal and a satan worshiper now? Doubtful. The guy whored himself around anyone he could at the start of career for credibility and photo ops. Any interviews with either would show A.) Depp is a God-fearing man B.) Manson has too much ego to worship anything.


False dig. Neither help the movement grow stronger.

Anonymous ID: 2148ee June 26, 2018, 7:44 a.m. No.1910090   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well, it's a comment on a website. Meaning the poster had to create an account and gave up IP access information.


Secondly, strange place to put a rant.


Third, fake and gay,

Anonymous ID: 2148ee June 26, 2018, 7:47 a.m. No.1910102   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0122


Was talking more Manson than Depp.


Read my posts just in this bread before you label shill. I miss just 2 short months ago when Anons that came here had sense enough to search a posters history before simply screaming shill. Jesus Christ have you guys ruined and overused that term.Completely.