Anonymous ID: 694ec9 June 26, 2018, 8:06 a.m. No.1910260   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We are as verbal as shit. Some of us anyhow.

We study and analyze the world more deeply.

We consider how all the information we have acquired fits together, what pieces don't fit and are candidates for replacement, and we actively seek out theories and confirmations to build our mental canvas describing the world.

We perceive motivations and patterns, and some of what we see makes us suspicious. Take advertising, for example. We can readily see that advertisers want to manipulate our emotions and concepts, to their benefit and not ours. So we actively resist this.

Are we highly intelligent? You decide.

Some of us see patterns and relationships in a mathematical way.

Some of us have unusual visual pattern-matching skills.

We are willing to entertain several ideas at once that are mutually contradictory, gathering evidence for each idea until one gains the upper hand and the others can be discarded or at least given much less space on the canvas.

We are constantly seeking truth, and trying to align ourselves with what we perceive to be truth.

We are just like you, and just like other people. Only more so.

God bless patriots.

Anonymous ID: 694ec9 June 26, 2018, 8:14 a.m. No.1910327   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1909647 Kek


>>1909657 excellent


>>1909665 similar to how we debunked fake news prior to the Fake News Awards. Or, "then and now": what a politician said versus what they actually did.


Planefag checking in for duty, warming engines. Did anybody find T-785?