All true.
I'd rather drink water than that tranny crap.
What Q has proposed does not seem to reconcile with the Book of Revelation.
But God works in mysterious ways.
So we shall see what happens.
The police are bullies with badges.
They replaced the Nazi Flag with the Pride Flag.
He is an arrogant asshole.
Well, if he pissed off the Jews, his days are numbered.
I was at Walmart today.
Didn't see any Pride stuff while I was there, but I was primarily in the food section.
But right after I exited the store, there was a speaker on the outside of the building and there was a message that said something like: wishing everyone a Happy Pride Month.
Should I call them and complain?
Would Bath House Barry have been admitted if he wasn't half Black?
Wasn't his last name Barry Soetoro back then?
Well I think it is disgusting, and I'm tired of it being jammed down our throats.
Noticed it in all of the TV shows about 20 years ago, and it pissed me off back then.
About 4 years ago, I was driving by the Public High School and there is a big Marquess in front of the school streaming: Happy Pride Month.
That pissed me off too, because my property taxes are paying for that shit.
Now they are saying Happy Pride Month at the Walmart that I go to.
Gay people suck. I'm tired of their nonsense.
They need to go back into their closets and get out of my face.
Pedo Pence
Nat. Geo. has been compromised.