Anonymous ID: e379e6 June 29, 2023, 4:32 p.m. No.19096642   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I love this guy he never gives up!


Lindell popping up with election solutions. Aug 16th. Never Done Before Plan Will Save Elections | Lindell To Reveal Plan At Election Crime Bureau Summit

4:02 minutes.


Last part on pillows. He has lost millions with lawsuits.

Anonymous ID: e379e6 June 29, 2023, 4:59 p.m. No.19096802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6811

29 Jun, 2023 20:43

American troops will not fight in Ukraine – Washington

Both the US and EU have ruled out the deployment of individual NATO members’ forces against Russia


US President Joe Biden has no intention of sending American troops to Ukraine, State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters on Thursday. However, while its forces may not be openly fighting Russians, anunknown number of US military personnel are reported active in the zone of hostilities.


“The president has been very clear that US troops will not be on the ground in Ukraine,”Miller said at a press briefing in Washington.


Miller had been asked whether the US supported former NATO secretary general Anders Fogh Rasmussen’s suggestion earlier this month that individual NATO members – likely Poland and the Baltic states – could deploy troops to Ukraine without involving the entire bloc. Rasmussen said that such a scenario would be likely if NATO fails to agree on “security guarantees” for Ukraine at a summit next month in Lithuania.


Miller’s answer did not directly address the issue of a potential Polish or Baltic mission to Ukraine.


Meanwhile, the EU has rejected the idea of any such mission. “To send ground troops to Ukraine is to be a party in a war, to be at war with Russia, and nobody wants that, neither the EU, nor NATO,” the director general of the European Union Military Staff, Vice Admiral Herve Blejean, said two weeks ago.


Despite Miller’s insistence that the US will stay at arm’s length from the Ukrainian conflict, US forces are already operating in the country. The Pentagon acknowledged in November that a “small number” of American troops were guarding the US embassy in Kievand inspecting weapons deliveries away from the front lines. In April, leaked Pentagon documents suggested that 14 US special forces personnel were deployed in Ukraine as of mid-March, along with 50 from the UK.


Aside from active-duty troops, there are an unknown number of US citizens fighting alongside Kiev’s forces.Multiple Americans have been captured by Russian soldiers, and several hundredwere listed as fighting in Ukraine by Russia last summer.


The Russian Defense Ministry said on Thursday that as manyas “20 foreign mercenaries and military advisers” were killed in a missile strike on a temporary base of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Donbass city of Kramatorsk on Tuesday.


Unverified imagesand videos circulating on social media after the strikepurportedly showed English-speaking military personnelin American uniforms recovering the dead and wounded from the base.


Moscow already considers the US and NATO to be involved in the conflict by proxy, with Russian President Vladimir Putin accusing the West last week of waging war against Russia “to the last Ukrainian.”

Anonymous ID: e379e6 June 29, 2023, 5:07 p.m. No.19096838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6862 >>7122

29 Jun, 2023 20:35

NATO chief makes promise to Ukraine

Kiev will receive a “message of support,” Jens Stoltenberg has said, but did not say whether security guarantees are on the table


NATO is not planning to discuss Ukraine’s accession process at its July summit in Vilnius, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has said, stressing that the most urgent task for now is to support Kiev in its fight with Moscow.


Speaking to reporters prior to the European Council meeting in Brussels, Stoltenberg was asked whether Ukraine could hope to get security guarantees from NATO and the EU before joining the two blocs.


However, he stopped short of delivering a straight answer, saying instead that “after the NATO summit we will address Ukraine’s membership aspirations.”


“I’m absolutely confident thatNATO allies will send a very strong message of support to Ukraine,” he added. (I’m sure Ukraine knows that they won’t be admitted. They are losing a war that the west funded, who would give them a participation badge?)


The top NATO official went on to reiterate that all members of the US-led bloc agree Ukrainewill eventuallybecome a member. He noted that the alliance believes “it’s not for Russia, but for NATO allies and Ukraine to decide when the time is right to extend a full invitation for Ukraine to join.” (They were offered this in 2008 along with joining the EU.)


However, he said that NATO’s most important task currently is to continue providing support to Ukraine in a bid to ensure that it prevails in its conflict with Russia. “Unless we are able to do that, there is no membership issue to be discussed at all,” Stoltenberg explained.


On Wednesday, the alliance chief said that any serious discussion about Kiev joining the bloc could only start on condition itemerges victorious in its fight with Moscow. (Which will never happen!)


Ukraine made NATO membership a state priority several years ago, intensifying its demands for entry after the start of hostilities with Russia in February 2022. Last September, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky officially applied for expedited accession after four former Ukrainian territories overwhelmingly voted to join Russia.


Earlier this month, he also claimed that Kiev “is ready to be in NATO” while pressing the bloc to issue a “clear invitation” to Ukraine. However, the Ukrainian leader recognized that it was “impossible” to join the bloc while the conflict with Russia continues.


Meanwhile, Moscow has for years argued against NATO expansion, describing the issue as a critical security concern. Russian officials have also repeatedly stated that Ukraine’s push to join the alliance was one of the key reasons for its ongoing military campaign in the neighboring country.

Anonymous ID: e379e6 June 29, 2023, 6:02 p.m. No.19097177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7181 >>7186 >>7187 >>7194 >>7198 >>7199 >>7201 >>7216 >>7232 >>7282 >>7305 >>7344

Visiting Zelensky Mike Pence Declares “No Room in Republican Party” For Those Who Do Not Support Ukraine War


June 29, 2023 | Sundance |

Presidential candidate Mike Pence made a pilgrimage to Ukraine to meet with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and affirm Pence’s position that the unilateral power of the Ukraine government needs to be supported.


Mike Pence then presents himself as the arbiter of what it means to be a republicanwith a Twitter message saying, “I know the difference between a genius and a war criminal, and I know who needs to win this war in Ukraine, and it’s the people fighting for their freedom and fighting to restore their national sovereignty.There is no room in our party for apologists for Putin..There is only room for champions of freedom.” (Pence is so going to regret that statement soon. That’s always been his problem, he always thinks he’s more important than he ever will be!)


Americans must sacrifice to support the magnanimous interests of the industrial military complex. Failure to adhere to the dictates and fiats of Republican power will not be tolerated in his party.


NEW YORK (AP) — Former Vice President Mike Pence made asurprise visitto Ukraine on Thursday, meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and touring the war-torn country as it fights Russian aggression. (Sure, surprise!)


Pence, who this month launched his campaign for the Republican nomination for president, has been deeply critical of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.


He has called on the U.S. to deliver more military aid to the country and criticized GOP rivals who have questioned the ongoing U.S. involvement, saying there is no room in the party for “Putin apologists” and pushing back against those who want the U.S. to take on a more limited role on the world stage.


Pence spent roughly 12 hours in the countryThursday, according to an adviser, with stops in Moshchun, Bucha and Irpin, according to NBC News, which traveled with him.


“I’m here because it’s important that the American people understand the progress that we’ve made and how support for the Ukrainian military has been in our national interest,” he told the network. “I truly do believe that now, more than ever, we need leaders in our country who will articulate the importance of American leadership in the world.” (He’s seriously one of the most boring, monotone yappers ever!)


In addition to his meeting with Zelenskyy, Pence received multiple briefings, including one from Ukrainian officials on the country’s current security situation and one on allegations of human rights violations by Russians accused of abducting Ukrainian children in a bid to weaken Ukrainian resolve, the adviser said. (read more)


(Whoever talked him into this must want to destroy all good will Evangelicals had for him)

Anonymous ID: e379e6 June 29, 2023, 6:15 p.m. No.19097264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7328


He’s known for his feelings, not his actions. Traitor you know he was speaking of PDJT nit supporting either side, he just wanted people to stop being killed. But Pence apparently has no problem with war death.


I read plenty of threads on him as governor going along with child trafficking, any proof of it?


Pretty interesting that Trump focused hid EOs on human and child trafficking.


I know one thing, Karen hated Melania with a passion, you could see it every time she was around the First Lady. Melania got a lit more attention than angry Karen

Anonymous ID: e379e6 June 29, 2023, 6:24 p.m. No.19097305   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Honestly Pence is a drone with a recording inside. No light, no energy, no freedom. He is blackmailed and his wife keeps his balls in a box in the locked closet