Anonymous ID: a8173a June 29, 2023, 6:45 p.m. No.19097388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7391 >>7402


PN >>19096976 Former Director of CIA's Russia analysis says Ukraine counteroffensive is underperforming


29 Jun, 2023 21:06


US mulls sending long-range missiles to Kiev – WSJ


Washington reportedly sees an “urgent need” to enhance Ukraine’s capabilities amid its stalled counteroffensive


The US might approve sending Ukraine long-range Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS), the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday, citing American and European officials.


The White House feels it must urgently boost Kiev’s military capabilities, the outlet said, weeks into a much-touted Ukrainian counteroffensive which has thus far failed to yield any big gains.


Capable of strikingtargets as far as 300 kilometers (190 miles) away, ATACMSare capable of hitting facilities deep inside Russia. The missiles can be launched from US-made HIMARS launchers, which have already been supplied to Kiev by Washington. The US has so far been reluctant to provide the longer-range munitions to Ukraine out of concern for possible escalation of the fighting.


Last July, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said that President Joe Biden’s administration would never supply Ukraine with such weapons as they could provoke a wider conflict if used to attack Russian territory.


Officials now say that the issue is “pending approval at the highest levels,” according to the WSJ. Both American and European sources told the newspaper that the White House might change its position on the matter. The European officials also said they had been pressing the US privately on the need for longer-range missiles for Ukraine.


A senior Ukrainian defense official told the WSJ that Kiev had received “positive signs” on the issue in recent weeks. Certain variants of the ATACMS can strike any targets on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula and as far as the Russian city of Voronezh located more than 240 kilometers from the nearest border with Ukraine. (These people cannot possibly believe anything Joe or his Admin says, so this is propaganda)


In early June, a group of US lawmakers urged Biden to provide even more advanced weaponry to Ukraine, including the ATACMS. The bipartisan group, led byRepresentative Jason Crow (D-Colorado), dismissed concerns that such weapons could escalate the conflict or leave US missile supplies too depleted.


Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Seymour Hersh has said that Kiev’s inability to penetrate Russia’s defenses should serve as a “wake-up call” for the US. America’s estimated $150 billion military aid package for Ukraine “turned out to be a very bad investment,” the veteran journalist has argued, adding that the Ukrainian military might need more than a century to take back the territories newly-acquired by Russia, if its offensive continues at the current pace.

Anonymous ID: a8173a June 29, 2023, 7:01 p.m. No.19097443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7452 >>7460

Koch Network Plans to Spend $70 Million Exclusively to Block President Trump from GOP Nomination (That’s it $70 million, thats all?) 1/2

June 29, 2023 | Sundance |


As if on cue, here comes another billionaire group by well-established political control agents in yet another multimillion effort to block President Trump. This time it’s Koch and his Americans for Prosperity network.


The Koch groups are planning to spend $70 million in their effort to eliminate the support of Donald Trump in 2024.


However,what will be interestingwill be to watch how the downstream media networks attack Trump in order to get a piece of the spending allotment. That’s where knowing where the Koch money flows comes in handy.


First the article:

(New York Times) – The political network established by the conservative industrialists Charles and David Koch has raised more than $70 million for political races as it looks to help Republicans move past Donald J. Trump, according to an official with the group.


With some of this large sum to start, the network, Americans for Prosperity Action, plans to throw its weight into the G.O.P. presidential nominating contest for the first time in its nearly 20-year history. The network spent nearly $500 million supporting Republican candidates and conservative policies in the 2020 election cycle alone.


Two groups closely affiliated with Charles Koch contributed $50 million of the more than $70 million that has been raised. Mr. Koch is a major shareholder in Koch Industries, which contributed $25 million to Americans for Prosperity Action, according to a preliminary draft of Federal Election Commission filings. Another $25 million was donated by Stand Together, a nonprofit he founded.


The Koch network’s goal in the 2024 presidential primaries, which has been described only indirectly in written internal communications, is to stop Mr. Trump from winning the Republican nomination. In February, a top political official in the network, Emily Seidel, wrote a memo to donors and activists saying it was time to “have a president in 2025 who represents a new chapter.” (read more)


Truthfully, this is all so brutally transparent it is becoming farcical. Who is inside the Koch network [SOURCE]


So, we are going to see all the Never Trump media orgslike Fox News, The Daily Wire, etc. etc. lining up to take the Koch money in order to make some cash with their ideological alignment.


This Koch Industries $70 million expenditure, exclusively to target Donald Trump, is on top of the $200+ million being spent by Ron DeSantis’s Never Back Down SuperPAC group. Now people are starting toget the scale of the “trillions at stake” aspect.

Anonymous ID: a8173a June 29, 2023, 7:03 p.m. No.19097452   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Recapping all of the aligned enterprises against President Trump we find: the entire Wall Street network of hedge funds and billionaires likeKen Griffin, the entiremultinational corporatealignment represented by theSea Island confab, thebillionaires and industrialistswho need globalism for profit, thelobbyist groups like the Chamber of Commerce and Club for Growth and the Republican Governors Associationwho receive funding from those groups. Then we can add the social media influencer community,Elon Musk, the network of allied conservative Never Trump punditry and top it off with theRNC as the cherry on the cake.


Yes, this opposition group represents almost the entirety of the Big Club and every control mechanism- all of it aligned against one guy, one man, who is an existential threat to their influence and affluence…. AND this is only from the Republican side of the UniParty equation. Add the entire Intelligence Apparatus into this equation, and a majority of Republicans in both chambers of Congress, and the scale of opposition takes even more context.


But wait, there’s more…


Thisdoesn’t even include the weaponized use of the judicial branch, the NYC Alvin Bragg effort, the Fulton County GA effort and the Special Counsel Jack Smith effort. All of this… ALL OF THIS is against ONE GUY.


Think about what that reality represents when you consider the scale of corruption that infects the body politic. And yet, stunningly,remarkably and perhaps even divinely protected, President Donald John Trump is still winningagainst all of this opposition.


Why and how can this be possible? Because Trump has something none of this can defeat – he has the support of a massive number of Americans who are taking a stand with President Trump as our gloriously imperfect vessel to destroy it all.


It is themost remarkable moment in historyas one man stands the gap and fearlessly faces down the combined effort of decades of political corruption. It truly is inspiring.


Last point, knowing that South Dakota governor Kristi Noem is a fully networked Koch person, and knowing thatAmericans for Prosperity was going to spend $70 million to target Trump, I find it remarkable that Noem is making statements like this:


“President Trump is in the race and right now I don’t see a path for victory with anybody else with him in the race and the situation as it sits today,” she told South Dakota radio station KWAT.” (source)


It looks to me like Koch is holding back Kristi Noem as an insurance policy, just in case they cannot destroy Trump and he ends up victorious against him. In this scenario, perhaps they are evenpositioning Noem to play the role of Pencein a second Trump administration. We need to watch this angle carefully…