Anonymous ID: ea738e June 29, 2023, 6:54 p.m. No.19097413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7416 >>7420 >>7436

Affirmative Action just hit NIGGERs in the Ass!!!….Now, if they want to get a degree in anything…they will have to prove themselves….unless they start giving out degrees in "Rioting and Looting"…then they will be handing them right and left…."Hey I just got my MD PhD in R & L…congratulate me, please!!!….


kekking hard

Anonymous ID: ea738e June 29, 2023, 7:04 p.m. No.19097461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7469



So, it isn't the 10pm noise, you have a problem with cut grass, because naked ladies running around making noise at that hour wouldn't bother you, but cutting grass is a problem.