Anonymous ID: 825b81 June 30, 2023, 12:06 a.m. No.19098369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8377 >>8382

Qmap of Trump's 88022 Truth on June 29th


Truth Link: (88022)


Truth Link: (wonderful day)

Anonymous ID: 825b81 June 30, 2023, 12:11 a.m. No.19098377   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#23453 >>19097361

>>19097374 Vatican Secretary of State Denies Link Between Homosexuality and Clerical Sex Abuse

>>19097386 @ChuckGrassley: Thx to Lids Restaurant (home of best tenderloin 2022) for hosting my Allamakee County mtg

>>19097388 US mulls sending long-range missiles to Kiev – WSJ

>>19097389 RFK Jr: Do you think I should make @billmaher my new campaign manager?


>>19097407 Carl Ghattas: Executive Assistant Director, National Security Branch

>>19097408 Enormous Power Grab: France, Germany Want To End Veto Rights In The EU This Year

>>19097443, >>19097452 Koch Network Plans to Spend $70 Million Exclusively to Block President Trump from GOP Nomination

>>19097474, >>19097483 Poison "SMOKE" thread from halfchan archived

>>19097495 The First MAGA Democrat: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Atlantic hit piece but worth reading)

>>19097515 We've Crossed the Rubicon: Devin Nunes on What it will Take to Defeat the Swamp in 2024 (rumble)

>>19098369 Trump Truth Qmap: 88022 / wonderful day

>>19097684, >>19097741 NIH staff have burner phones and side emails to avoid discovery.

>>19096771, >>19096780, >>19097752, >>19097754, >>19097765 Formaldehyde & benzoyl in the smoke cloud in Canada?

>>19097781 Is this just the beginning? (Lara Logan)

>>19097799 Trump Truth: This is a great day for America.

>>19097862, >>19097969 Lara Logan early report about a 500 lb IED found in an apt

>>19097885, >>19097583 France riot images; Marseille library burned

>>19097907 Pres. Trump may not participate in primary debates

>>19097920, >>19097930 Wikileaks just dumped all of their files online. (Big, if true]

>>19097978 QClock June 29, 2023 - Vive la France

>>19098013 Justice Brown on affirmative action ruling by SCOTUS

>>19098026 DIA still has Dong Jingwei ("China Spymaster")

>>19098040 Garbage Thinking and the Desire for a World Government

>>19098041, >>19098088 SCOTUS ruling on color blind admissions - opinions: RFK jr, Princeton

#23453 collected in bread #23454

Anonymous ID: 825b81 June 30, 2023, 3:19 a.m. No.19098608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8673

notes @ 460


#23454 >>19098140

>>19098421 Qpost Deltas for June 30: People are waking up in mass | Think SC vote to confirm | Paine | [2]

>>19098152 Media in France silent about the riots

>>19098270, >>19098463, >>19098285, >>19098321, >>19098444, >>19098519 Biden has started using a CPAP machine at night to help with sleep apnea

>>19098305 Planefag

>>19098357 Biden reveals that Obama is 'helping out a lot' and jokes that he looks for the ex-president every time he hears Hail to the Chief

>>19098478 Lavrov Holds Press Briefing on Ukraine, Current International Agenda

>>19098490 Jeff Bezos and Buzz Aldrin are both in the same elite adventurers' club as Hamish Harding, the British billionaire missing in the Titanic tourist submersible

>>19098501 Refresher: Programmed DNA

>>19098513, >>19098565, >>19098591 Inside the IRS laptop debacle

>>19098516 Maine Democrats Kill Amendment to Ban Trafficking of Aborted Baby Remain

>>19098517 Sodom apparently discovered

>>19098520 Visiting Zelensky Mike Pence Declares “No Room in Republican Party” For Those Who Do Not Support Ukraine War

>>19098522 Whistleblower who was planning to reveal information on Biden family’s corruption has disappeared

>>19098525 James Crown Thread #2

>>19098527 Latest Leaks Don’t Incriminate Trump, They Incriminate Democrats

>>19098532 A Ukrainian soldier tells a Vice reporter that it seems like his government's plan is the deliberate eradication of its own population

>>19098533 Homelessness Exploding in Los Angeles – Over 75,000 Living on the Streets

>>19098538 Biden walks off interview set before MSNBC host is finished talking

>>19098550 Rs with power like these guys that are sitting on the side-lines are complicit in the attempted destruction of the Constitution

>>19098556, >>19098551, >>19098553 The Talmud states that there are 6 genders
