she looks like the bud light tranny
I meant they look simular in the face, BBC obsessor girl. your finger looks girl or gay.
this must be so an internet search for Biden mask gives CPAP as the first 20 pages of results. to indifferent to check my theory tho.
some asshole corporations suddenly got the idea that they could burn all their barrels of toxic waste at once and blame the smoke on Canada
that you'll be curious enough to check it for me.
I only trust my own lying eyes. TOGTFO
cool beans
I wonder who was the judge?
I see it was John Hannah but who is he?
well you're here right on schedule so….yeah
for you and your 322 crew
but now that she can have the evidence, a first btw, she can tell the court of public opinion. dams gotta break.
no one gets out of this life alive. that we know of.
any idea why he got to make the ruling?