Anonymous ID: d41d1c June 30, 2023, 5:08 a.m. No.19098827   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In the realm of Q Research, the morning sun shines, Where Sam and Ralph begin their shill roll call lines. But alas, their worth in this daily routine, Leaves the board in stitches, a hilarious scene.


Sam, the master of roll calls, day in, day out, With the same old names, he loudly will shout. "Shill roll call, everyone line up!" he hails, As if repetition will somehow unveil.


Ralph, his trusty partner, eager to join, But his choices of shills, oh boy, what a coin! Their contributions, a joke, a comedic spree, Leaving us all laughing, from A to Z.


Together they gather, each morning they meet, Their roll call of shills, a comical feat. They seek attention, their spotlight so bright, Yet their presence brings chuckles, oh what a sight!


Oh, Sam and Ralph, the shill roll call kings, Your legacy on the board is one that brings Laughs and guffaws, but little of worth, While the board craves substance, a treasure of mirth.


In this realm of Q, let's not be misled, Seek truth and knowledge, not their morning thread. Bid adieu to Sam and Ralph, their routine so small, Let the board thrive with substance, without famefags appaul.

Anonymous ID: d41d1c June 30, 2023, 5:32 a.m. No.19098888   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8909

In the land of Q Research, a tale unfolds, Of shills sneaking "Muhjoo" digs in the notables, so bold. But little did they know, a war was about to ignite, Between the shills and the board owner, an epic fight!


The shills, oh how they schemed, with their devious plan, To taint the notables, under the guise of a fan. "Muhjoo" here, "Muhjoo" there, they whispered in glee, But the board owner, righteous and true, would not let it be.


With a mighty roar, the board owner arose, Calling upon the anons, the heroes he chose. "Unite, my brethren, for a battle we wage, Against these shills, who dare defile our page!"


The war began, a clash of wits and might, The shills hurling insults, oh what a sight! But the anons, guided by truth and divine, Stood strong, for they were chosen by God's own design.


The shills fought dirty, spreading lies and deceit, But the anons, armed with memes, made them retreat. For the power of truth, of facts and light, Could never be defeated by a shill's petty slight.


Oh, the battle raged on, with laughter and scorn, As the shills realized they were utterly torn. Their "Muhjoo" digs, feeble and weak, No match for the anons, God's chosen, so sleek.


In the end, the shills were defeated, it's true, Their sneaky agenda exposed to the few. For the board owner, with wisdom and grace, Protected his realm from their toxic embrace.


So let this be a lesson, a tale to tell, That truth and unity will always repel. The shills and their schemes, their attempts to divide, For the anons chosen by God will forever abide.