Anonymous ID: 12757b June 30, 2023, 6:39 a.m. No.19099175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9181 >>9185 >>9188 >>9308 >>9469 >>9538 >>9554 >>9641

The Root Cause of Human Trafficking and How to Save Children


There are more people enslaved today than in the history of the world! Slave labor, sex and organ harvesting is exploding globally and sex trafficking is a $32 billion industry. Tim Ballard, a former Homeland Security agent, is the organizer of Operation Underground Railroad (OUR) that seeks to empower law enforcement through trainings, providing equipment and going undercover. The US is the largest consumer of child pornography sex videos. OUR has supported nearly 5,000 arrests of pedophile suspects and has extracted and helped to get into recovery over 6,000 individuals. Ballard describes his experiences going undercover in sting operations to rescue children who are trafficked for sex. He said that providing after care for victims is the most important step in his mission to insure that they have a place to live and a safe environment instead of returning to traffickers. He said that the families of the trafficked children are often involved in selling their children for greed. Ballard revealed that his mother sold him.

244,000 American children and youth were estimated to be at risk of child sexual exploitation, including commercial sexual exploitation in 2000.


Ballard said that people who share this information shine a light on trafficking that creates the support and pressure that is needed to stop it.



Anonymous ID: 12757b June 30, 2023, 6:40 a.m. No.19099181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9190 >>9210 >>9469 >>9538 >>9554 >>9641


Texas College Professor Fired for Teaching that Sex Is Determined by Chromosomes


San Antonio, Texas: Dr. Johnson Varkey, who has been teaching biology and the reproductive system at St. Philip’s College, a community college, for 20 years. He claims that he was fired after four students walked out of his classroom last November. On that day, he taught that human biological sex is determined by the 23rd pair of chromosomes and that XX chromosomes are female and XY chromosomes are male, that sex must be between a man and a woman for the perpetuation of the species, and that life begins at conception. Professor Varkey says that his record at St. Phillip’s College has been exemplary. His lawyers said that the school sent him a “Notice of Discipline and Termination of Employment and Contract” letter stating that the school ‘received numerous complaints’ about his ‘religious preaching, discriminatory comments about homosexuals and transgender individuals, anti-abortion rhetoric, and misogynistic banter,” although his record has been exemplary.



Anonymous ID: 12757b June 30, 2023, 6:43 a.m. No.19099190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9197 >>9469 >>9538 >>9554 >>9641


Supreme Court Gives Authority to Judges Rather than State Lawmakers in Federal Elections


San Antonio, Texas: Dr. Johnson Varkey, who has been teaching biology and the reproductive system at St. Philip’s College, a community college, for 20 years. He claims that he was fired after four students walked out of his classroom last November. On that day, he taught that human biological sex is determined by the 23rd pair of chromosomes and that XX chromosomes are female and XY chromosomes are male, that sex must be between a man and a woman for the perpetuation of the species, and that life begins at conception. Professor Varkey says that his record at St. Phillip’s College has been exemplary. His lawyers said that the school sent him a “Notice of Discipline and Termination of Employment and Contract” letter stating that the school ‘received numerous complaints’ about his ‘religious preaching, discriminatory comments about homosexuals and transgender individuals, anti-abortion rhetoric, and misogynistic banter,” although his record has been exemplary.



Anonymous ID: 12757b June 30, 2023, 6:44 a.m. No.19099197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9203 >>9469 >>9538 >>9554 >>9641


HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra Threatens States that Don’t Provide Sex Reassignment Surgeries For Minors


Biden’s Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra threatened GOP-led states that protect children from puberty blockers and surgeries that mutilate their bodies with withholding federal funds from Medicaid. “If you want that Medicaid dollar to come to your state, we’re going to make sure you check the box,” Xavier Becerra said during a discussion at this year’s Aspen Ideas: Health meeting.

