Anonymous ID: 8a8dae June 30, 2023, 6:28 a.m. No.19099138   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I just asked a question hurr durr

>killing people solves problems

>uh wait

>killing people solves problems. Why does no one do that???

Signed, the corrupt US military

Anonymous ID: 8a8dae June 30, 2023, 7 a.m. No.19099268   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9298 >>9312


>And all Jews benefit

Pure BS.


that's like saying every American benefits from America's wars, while in reality it's the opposite.


>Claiming victimhood, when they are the perps

So you think a Jew in Israel living at poverty level is actually controlling a bank?

What do you think did the Einsatzgruppen do in Eastern Europe?

Were these fake?


>Because I have Jewish roots going back 4 generations.

>My dad's mom's grandmother was Jewish.

so according to your own shitpost, you benefit from it - somehow, and you are also lying the whole time.

So which one is it now?


It seems you are confused.

Jews in Israel get brainwashed as well as everyone else.

If they were all "in on it", no one would do that, but they do. It's trauma based mind control.

"Everyone wanted to kill us back then, that makes it okay that we (Israel) now do shit to the Palestinians, because "we had it way worse". Also "we are safe in Israel now".


See how that goes?

And it works when you do that shit to children. It's brainwash.


Of course you may snap out of it, and then effectively blame yourself somehow, which is also wrong.

Anonymous ID: 8a8dae June 30, 2023, 7:17 a.m. No.19099337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9383


>The only benefit that I have, is to be able to see thru their bullshit

You just claimed that every Jew would benefit from it.

You are a 1/4th or 1/8th Jew, by your won words, so you have to benefit from it.

Otherwise tell me, when does it end?

At 1/8th Jew? At 1/16th? You want to measure skulls too?


>yep, but they can escape, once they see the ruse, if they chose to do so

Of course, but according to you that wouldn't change anything.

How many saw through the vaccine scams?

My parents didn't.

I did, before the coof.

The coof jab may be the reason why they may wake up to the scam.


Criminals are hiding under them, that's the problem and that's the reason for the brainwash.

The brainwash also creates a "us ("the jews") vs THEM" mentality.

Guess who benefits?

The criminals.

And what you are doing reinforces that. Good job there.

That's why it is done.

The elites don't give a shit about regular Jews, see ww2. Einsatzgruppen killed tons of Jews. No one gave a shit, in fact almost no one in Germany was prosecuted for any of it.

Heck, certain families directly involved in forced labor didn't even get a trial.

Siemens was also into forced labor, they were also not shut down? Why?


Where's the benefit for "the Jews" in these cases?

In fact why are these families and corporations like Siemens not branded anti-semitic and destroyed?


There isn't, because it's actually ultra-rich fucks vs. everyone else. And that doesn't mean that every ultra-rich fuck is involved either.