>>19096378 PB
Beau is alive
and Joe is dead.
Everything is upside down and backwards.
When and where was this pic taken?
Is Beau playing the role of Joe?
>>19096378 PB
Beau is alive
and Joe is dead.
Everything is upside down and backwards.
When and where was this pic taken?
Is Beau playing the role of Joe?
da Jews
jealous of lying, murderous, thieves?
or just pissed off that they keep getting away with it?
Jews trying to blame the Catholics.
The Jews are the ones who set up the Roman Catholic Church and they own the Pope and the Vatican.
The Jews try to muddy the water by making their religion and their race the same.
What other religion/race does that?
You can change your religion to something else, by converting to a different religion, but you can't change your race.
They are chameleons, escaping condemnation by changing to whatever suits their current situation.
If a Jew is benefiting from the deception, then they are guilty.
And all Jews benefit from the deception.
Claiming victimhood, when they are the perps, or they are benefiting from the perps.
The Jewish Mafia encompasses all Jews.
If they change their religion, or are non-practicing Jews, the Jewish Mafia still claims that they are Jews.
They have done this to themselves.
The only way to escape, is to convert out of Judaism and to water down the bloodline by marrying non-Jews and having non-Jewish kids.
Eventually, by the 3rd or the 4th generation, all Jewishness can be washed out.
How do I know this? Because I have Jewish roots going back 4 generations.
My dad's mom's grandmother was Jewish.
>So you think a Jew in Israel living at poverty level is actually controlling a bank?
Don't put the horse before the carriage.
> you benefit from it
The only benefit that I have, is to be able to see thru their bullshit
>Jews in Israel get brainwashed as well as everyone else.
yep, but they can escape, once they see the ruse, if they chose to do so
>Otherwise tell me, when does it end?
Ask the Jews. They are the ones who decide who is Jewish and who isn't.
They have DNA tests to decide if a person is Jewish enough to live in Israel.
I don't think that I would pass their test.
And would you be so quick to advocate for the Italian Mafia or is it just the Jewish Mafia that you choose to advocate for?
Maybe if the Italian Mafia had made up an Italian Holohoax, we would see all Italians as victims as well.