Anonymous ID: 9bd320 June 30, 2023, 5:58 a.m. No.19098996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9469 >>9538 >>9554 >>9641

30 Jun, 2023 10:16


Arming Ukraine is a cynical and dangerous NATO ploy, RT reporter tells UNSC


The Western “proxy conflict” is costing Ukrainian and Russian lives and may lead to decades of instability, UN delegations heard


Western nations are pushing Ukrainian soldiers into suicide missions against Russian forces after providing them with outdated and often inoperative weapons, RT correspondent Chay Bowes has told theUN Security Council.


The Irish journalist was among the speakers invited to address to the Council on Thursday, sharing his views onWestern lethal aidto Ukraine and the related proliferation risks. The gathering was attended by ambassadors including Russian Permanent Representative Vasily Nebenzya and his UK counterpart Barbara Woodward.


Bowes told the delegations thatNATOnations have been helping Kiev to build up itsmilitary since 2014, training thousands of troops each year. He described the current hostilities as “a proxy conflict, whereUkraine supplies manpower… to support ade-facto NATO operationto prevent a Russian military victory”. A defeated Ukraine would undermine the US-led military bloc itself, he predicted, which explains the escalation of arms supplies from the West.


Many of theweaponsprovided to Kiev, especially by smaller nations, are often in apoor stateof repair, Bowes said, citing multiple reports from the Western media and officials. Some are “outright lethal” to the Ukrainians using them. The sub-par weapons are being “dumped” as part of schemes by the larger powers, primarily the US, to replace and upgrade their own stocks.


Meanwhile on the frontline, Kiev’s troops have paid a heavy price for “strategically insignificant” territorial gains during this month’s counteroffensive, he said.Ukrainian actionessentially amounts to a “suicidal full-frontal attackson in-depth prepared defenses”, and allowing them to occur is “deeply cynical”and “sinister”, the reporter argued.


“No modern NATO militarystrategist or senior officerwould suggestthesemaneuversare anything but an inhumane ticket to tragedy, when commanding their own troops,” Bowes claimed. “Yet when it comes toUkrainian young menmounting these assaults being decimated – they are silent.”


Continued hostilities are also taking a toll on civilians in Russia, some of which Bowes said he had met personally in places including Belgorod Region.


I’ve seen [Russian] villages burning, I’ve heard artillery strikes, and I have to tell you that weapons being supplied byNATO and their alliesto Ukraine are beingwillfully targeted against civilian populationson a daily basis… all miraculously invisible to the Western media,” he told the UNSC.


Historical precedents, such as the Troubles in Northern Ireland or the terrorist attack on the 2015 Bataclan Theater in Paris, show that even a small number of weapons can cause much suffering by civilians, Bowes warned. The arming of Ukraine may lead to decades of instability in the region and cause spillover effects in far-away nations, he added.

Anonymous ID: 9bd320 June 30, 2023, 6:11 a.m. No.19099061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9074 >>9099 >>9122

Reporting 3 mid sized planesflying over my home last 10 minutes, up GA N 400, halfway up from I 265.


Planefags any unusual activity?These were not small private plans and not large military planes that fly south towards Macon and Savannah.


Before Jan 2021, we had maybe one major military plane or copter a week, it picked up dramatically since then with at least 3-7 a day.


I reported the drastic increase of planes and copters multiple times in Jan 2021, and I was told to shut up! Kek so I did

Anonymous ID: 9bd320 June 30, 2023, 6:21 a.m. No.19099106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9116 >>9125 >>9469 >>9538 >>9554 >>9641

30 Jun, 2023 12:14

Russia will destroy foreign fighters and Western generals in Ukraine – Lavrov

The minister accused foreign militants of using civilian infrastructure


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has accusedUkraine of allowingforeign mercenaries and Western generals touse civilian infrastructureto fight against Russia, and has vowed to destroy these groups. (The fucking UN has known this for 14 months where’s the big outcry of war crimes?)


Speaking at an online briefing on Friday, Lavrov said that Russia has “not seen confirmation of a single fact of deliberate shelling of civilian targets by the Russian army.” He claimed, however, that the Ukrainian side has been “violating international humanitarian law and committing a war crimeby allowing mercenaries, Western generals and instructors to use civilian objects to hold all sorts of meetings.”


“If we discover such gatherings, for example, as in Kramatorsk,we will destroy them, because these are people who have declared war on us,” Lavrov said, referring to Russia’s recent high-precision strike on a temporary brigade base in the Donbass city of Kramatorsk on Tuesday.


The Russian Defense Ministry had claimed that the base was hosting a staff meeting involving dozens of Ukrainian officers and foreign advisers, and reported that the attack resulted in the deaths of “two generals, up to50 officersof the Ukrainian Armed Forces, as well as up to20 foreignmercenaries andmilitary advisers.” (If the US is sending in military advisors why are they not meeting in bunkers or secured facilities instead a converted public building?)


Russian forces have continued to repel Ukrainian attacks on their defensive positions in Zaporozhye and Kherson Regions, as well as in Donbass, since Kiev launched its much-hyped counteroffensive earlier this month.


Ukraine has so far been unable to make any significant gains and has suffered numerous casualties, losing hundreds of servicemen and dozens of heavy equipment, including tanks and infantry fighting vehicles provided by Kiev’s Western backers, according to numerous media reports.

Anonymous ID: 9bd320 June 30, 2023, 6:29 a.m. No.19099141   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9146 >>9156 >>9469 >>9538 >>9554 >>9641

30 Jun, 2023 12:10

World Bank approves another loan for Ukraine

The funding is meant to support reforms and transparency of “public resources expenditures”


The World Bank has approved a$1.5 billion loanto Ukraineguaranteed by the Japanesegovernment, the financial institution revealed on Friday.


The funds will be channeled to Kiev to address the needs ofdisplaced people and “support reforms to enhance the transparency and accountability of public resources expenditures,” as well as “help markets to function better.”


The loan is guaranteed by the government of Japan as part of the Advancing Needed Credit Enhancement for Ukraine Trust Fund initiative and is aimed at supporting social security and economic development.


According to the World Bank, the package will help fund “reforms to establish a damaged or destroyed property register to enable compensation payments and to guide the reconstruction of housing in Ukraine. It will also help strengthen the public procurement system and improve the country’s tax reporting framework to curb tax evasion and avoidance.”


To date, theWorld Bank has mobilized over $37.5 billion to provide Ukrainewith financial assistance, of which nearly $23 billion has already been disbursed, the organization said.


The Ukrainian budget has been receiving cash injections from Western sponsors to keep it running. Since February 2022,Kiev’s backers have bankrolled around €170 billion ($184 billion)in financial aid, data from Kiel Institute for the World Economy showed.


On Thursday, the International Monetary Fund’s board announced a decision allowing Kiev “to draw the equivalent of about $890 million, which will be channeled for budget support.”


(If you need any more proof that Ukraine is a bank for money laundering by the rich and every criminal of the world, and that is all. The best thing that could happen is empty out the capitol city Kiev and blow it to smithereens, including any intelligence facilities in the country. There is absolutely NO HOPE for the government or leadership!)

Anonymous ID: 9bd320 June 30, 2023, 6:41 a.m. No.19099186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9237

30 Jun, 2023 07:17

Washington mulling cluster munition deliveries to Ukraine – Politico

(Panicked West will do Desperate things)

US officials reportedly believe the controversial ammo will help Kiev breach Russian defenses


The administration of US President Joe Biden is “actively considering” supplying Ukraine with cluster munitions, which are outlawed in dozens of countries due to the danger they pose to the civilian population, Politico reported on Thursday, citing sources.


According totwo unnamed US officialsand a person familiar with the matter, the discussion about sending these weapons to Ukraine has recently picked up steam as Kiev’s troops have struggled to break through Russian defenses.


Senior US officials believe that cluster munitions “could be one of many tools that makes Ukraine’s campaign more successful,”the report says. While Politico sources indicated that the White House has not made a final decision on the matter, they noted that the administration is closer to approving the shipments than at any point during the conflict. (This is so pathetic US military strategy looks like a patchwork of crazy people’s thinking! Just send a nuclear bomb and get Ukraine over with.This mirrors the decision Pres Johnson made when McNamara said he could never win the Viet Nam war. Johnson doubled down and sent 500,000 more innocent Americans die, because he wanted to win and unwinnable war, due to his ego!)


The ongoing deliberations were also confirmed by CNN, which claimed, citing sources, that should the White House proceed with deliveries, the cluster munitions could beincluded in the next assistance package for Ukraine next month.


“These would undoubtedly have a significant battlefield impact,” an unnamed US official told the outlet.


Cluster munitions are banned in more than 100 countries becausewhen they explode, they release many small bomblets over a wide area,posing severe risks to civilians. While the US has not prohibited this type of weapon, it has banned exports of cluster bombs with a ‘dud’ rate of more than 1%. While in practice the restriction applies to most of the US’ stockpile, Biden can lift it at any time.


Last autumn, US National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said that Washington had “concerns about the use of those kinds of munitions,” citing the current US policies on the matter.


Last week, however, the Pentagon claimed that Ukraine would benefit from using this type of weapon, arguing that it would behelpful in destroying Russian fortifications. This assessment was also shared by a group of Republicanlawmakers, who said this March that if Ukraine fails to make significant progress, the reluctance of the Biden administration to supply those arms would be largely to blame. (Don’t they know Russia’s plans and strategies are continually changing and upgraded with published plans by the US.)


Commenting on the calls to send the controversial munitions to Kiev, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov had earlier warned that such a move wouldlead to escalation and undermine NATO’s security.

Anonymous ID: 9bd320 June 30, 2023, 6:56 a.m. No.19099256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9262 >>9302 >>9538 >>9554 >>9641

30 Jun, 2023 12:57

Riots force Macron to leave EU summit

The French President canceled his press conference in Brussels to chair a crisis meeting in Paris


French President Emmanuel Macron cut short his visit to Brussels on Friday, where he was attending a summit of EU leaders, and returned to Paris to chair an emergency meeting over ongoing riots following a deadly police shooting.


Macron returned home in time for the 1:00pm (1100 GMT) session, scrapping a planned press conference on the results of the EU gathering. The change of plan was announced on Friday morning by the Elysee palace, according to French media.


The French Interior Ministry reported that a total of 875 people were arrested on Thursday night, when the country experienced its third round of violent protests over the death of a 17-year-old man at the hand of the police. French media previously put the number of nationwide arrests at 421, which Le Figaro said was a record for the country.


The turmoil has escalated from initial peaceful protests over the death of the man, identified as Nahel M., during a traffic stop. The police have deployed thousands of officers to quell the disturbances, with the Interior Ministry ordering a firm response.


Since the violence erupted, atotal of 492 buildings have been damaged, some 2,000 vehicles burned and 3,880 firesstarted, Macron said as he opened the emergency meeting.


Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne said her cabinet was considering “all options” to restore order, includingdeclaring a state of emergency.


The summit in Brussels was held on Thursday and Friday. The Ukraine conflict and the EU’s response to it dominated the agenda.


(This is obviously a color revolution planned by the US and Nulandbecause Macron went to China to cut loose France from being a vassal state under the US. The powers that be must have obedient vassals and never outshine the world Mafia & US. Macron the servant of the NWO, broke the “rules based world order”)

Anonymous ID: 9bd320 June 30, 2023, 7:04 a.m. No.19099283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9538 >>9554 >>9641

The war against Russia by Ukraine, NATO, US and EU is hurting them so bad!

Anonymous ID: 9bd320 June 30, 2023, 7:09 a.m. No.19099303   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9318 >>9319 >>9538 >>9554 >>9641

30 Jun, 2023 13:34

Poland wants US nuclear weapons – PM

Warsaw sees it as a response to Russia deploying its arms in Belarus, Prime Minister Mateus Morawiecki has said


Warsaw is asking NATO to include it into the bloc’s Nuclear Sharing Program, Prime Minister Mateus Morawiecki told journalists in Brussels on Monday. The program allows the deployment of US nuclear bombs on the territory of other nations.


Morawiecki called Poland’s appeal a response to Moscow’s decision to station its tactical nuclear arms in neighboring Belarus. “Due to the fact that Russia intends to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, we are… appealing to …NATO to [allow us] take part in the Nuclear Sharing Program,” the prime minister said.


Thefinal decisionon the issue would rest withWashington, Morawiecki said, adding that Warsaw declares its intention to “act quickly in this regard.” Poland “does not want to sit idly,”he said, while accusing Russian President Vladimir Putin of increasing “all sorts of threats.”


Launched in 2009, the NATO Nuclear Sharing Program has seen US B-61 nuclear bombs being deployed to various locations around Europe, including inBelgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Türkiye.


Some nations then seemingly regretted allowing the US nuclear weaponsdeployment to their territory. Back in 2010, German lawmakers made a decision on the withdrawal of America’s nuclear weapons from Germany but the arms have still been in place ever since. In April 2023, Sevim Dagdelen, the deputy head of the Left party’s faction in the Bundestag,demanded a US troops withdrawal from Germany, alongside America’s nuclear weapons, again.


Moscow and Minsk signed a treaty on Belarus hosting Russian tactical nuclear weapons in May. The atomic warheads will be mounted on Iskander-M missiles and fighter jets specifically modified for the purpose, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said at that time.


Moscow pointed its fighter at theNATO Nuclear Sharing Program as the exact reason for the move. An estimated150 American atomic weaponswere deployed across several NATO nations on the European continent as of April 2022.

Anonymous ID: 9bd320 June 30, 2023, 7:38 a.m. No.19099417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9449


No I think they are trying force people to sign up, and then say it was an accident. There are millions around the world that lurk, so this won’t last long. Or it could be broken. If anons have an account let is know if it’s just lurkers that can’t visit