Anonymous ID: 989018 June 30, 2023, 10:59 a.m. No.19100244   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0272


Why not post the video with the full paragraph?


I think I’m doing quite well. [cheers and applause] Alright, shut up. So, you know, a lot of sexual harassment stuff in the news up late. And I couldn’t help but notice a very disturbing pattern of emerging which is that many of the predators, not all, but many of them [hesitates to speak] are Jews. And I have three words to say to that. “Oy vey zmir.” I don’t like it when Jews are in the headlines for notorious reasons. I want “Einstein discovers the theory of relativity.” “Salk cures polio.”What I don’t want? “Weinstein took it out.”I know I consistently strive to be a good jewish representative. [applause] When people see me, I want them to say, “Oh, there goes a fine Jew for you. There’s a fine Jew. Margaret, come here. Come here. I want you to meet this wonderful Jew. Nothing stereotypical about him. If not for the self deprecation and the irritable bowel syndromes, you would never know in a million years.”


You know, I’ve always been obsessed with women. And I have often wondered if I had grown up in Poland when Hitler came to power and was sent to a concentration camp, would I still be checking out women in the camp? I think I would. “Hey, slo-mo. Slo-mo. Look at that one from Barrack C. Oh my god, is she gorgeous? I have my eye on her for weeks. Yeah. I’d like to go up and say something to her.” Of course, the problem is, there are no good opening lines in a concentration camp. “How’s it going? They treating you okay? You know, if we ever get out of here, I’d love to take you out for some latkes. Do you like Latkes? Huh? What? What did I say? Is it me or is it the whole thing? It’s coz I’m bald, isn’t it?”

Anonymous ID: 989018 June 30, 2023, 11:15 a.m. No.19100349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0370


>my history is correct for sure

>it's all Jew controlled and my books say this and that, it must be true, because it feeds my hatred

>books never spread lies, it's all correct and truthful

>again: it's weird that "the Jews" didn't destroy these truth books, but SOMEHOW they didn't, despite controlling everything