Anonymous ID: a7aca9 June 30, 2023, 8:43 a.m. No.19099689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9694

30 Jun, 2023 14:59

Ukraine’s top general ‘pissed off’ over counteroffensive criticism – WaPo

Kiev’s ongoing drive is not a betting game, but a brutal slugfest, Valery Zaluzhny has said in an interview


The commander-in-chief of Ukraine’s armed forces has vented his frustration over recurring remarks by international commentators and officials that the country’s counterattacks are proceeding too slowly.


In an interview with the Washington Post published on Friday,General Valery Zaluzhnystressed that Kiev’s ongoing push – which Moscow claims has failed to gain any ground –is not a spectacle for the entire world to enjoy.(they made it a spectacle by promising this counteroffensive since last year, now he complains because the world is expecting something. Why don’t they stop bragging they are going to win!)


“It’s not a show the whole world is watching and betting on or anything. Every day, every meter is given by blood,” he stressed.


Zaluzhny, who was earlier reported to have been seriously injured in a Russian missile strike,also said that it “pisses [him] off” when he hears that Ukraine’s offensive is bogged down.


The Ukrainian general also reiterated that without adequate supplies, Kiev would not be able to implement its plans. “But they are being carried out. Yes, maybe not as fast as the participants in the show, the observers, would like, but that is their problem,” he added.


Zaluzhny went on tocomplain that Ukraine still needs more weapons from its Western backers, saying that his troops have often been outgunned by their opponent due to limited resources. He also voiced frustration thatUkraine has to storm Russian lines without air support, with deliveries of advanced F-16 fighter jets still at least several months away.


Ukraine kicked off its much-anticipated counteroffensive in the early days of June, attempting to penetrate Russian defenses along several sections of the front. It has so far failed to gain any ground, according to Moscow. Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that Ukrainian losses have exceeded Moscow’s by a factor of ten, estimating that Kiev has lost 259 tanks and 780 armored vehicles since the start of the campaign.


At the same time, Ukrainian Defense Minister Alexey Reznikov hasdescribed the attacks as a “preparatory operation” while President Vladimir Zelensky has admitted that the offensive is developing “slower than desired”in the face of “tough resistance” from Russian troops.


(This is why you don’t go to the media daily and promise things you can’t deliver. What a farce.)

Anonymous ID: a7aca9 June 30, 2023, 8:48 a.m. No.19099701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9711 >>9746 >>9768 >>9801 >>9952 >>0205 >>0386 >>0428

30 Jun, 2023 07:57

Zelensky ally attacks Hungary’s Orban – media

The head of the Ukrainian president’s parliamentary faction reportedly lashed out at the Hungarian leader during a meeting with MEPs


Ukrainian MP David Arakhamia, who leads the faction of President Vladimir Zelensky’s Servant of the People party in parliament, hasaccused Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban of being a pro-Russian “agent,”according to Austrian media. Orban is a vocal critic of the EU’s Ukraine policy.


The Hungarian leader is “an agent in the EU”who is working to protect Russian values in the bloc, Arakhamia was quoted as saying by the newspaper Kleine Zeitung. This came during the lawmaker’s meeting with liberal MEPs on the sidelines of the ongoing summit of EU leaders in Brussels on Thursday.


Kleine Zeitung said the Ukrainian MP failed to provide any examples of Orban’s purported actionsas a Russian agent but expressed overall disappointment with the Hungarian leader’s behavior.


Arakhamia was present at an event organized by the liberal faction of the European Parliament, the report said. French President Emmanuel Macron and the leader of Germany’s Free Democratic Party, Christian Lindner, were also invited.


EU leaders, including Orban, have gathered in Brussels this week to discuss several issues, including support of Ukraine. Earlier in the week, the Hungarian prime minister argued that the EU’s failure to provide peace and prosperity to citizens was fueling the popularity of “protest parties,” such as the Alternative for Germany (AfD).


The Orban government has been highly critical of the European response to the crisis in Ukraine. It has argued that arming Kiev and imposing unprecedented economic sanctions on Russia have failed to end the hostilities and have caused enormous damage to the bloc’s member states.


Hungary also has a bilateral beef with Ukraine, after in May Kiev branded a top Hungarian financial institution, OTP Bank, a “sponsor of war” for refusing to stop operations in Russia. The Hungarian government has been blocking EU aid to Ukraine in retaliation.


Arakhamia traveled to the Belgian capital to meet EU Crisis Management Commissioner Janez Lenarcic and discuss ways in which Brussels could assist his country, according to public statements.

Anonymous ID: a7aca9 June 30, 2023, 11:20 a.m. No.19100378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0408

Winsome Sears Nukes Ketanji Brown Jackson's Dissent: ‘Chosen Because She’s Black’

Matt Margolis


Justice Clarence Thomas isn’t the only person who made an epic response to Ketanji Brown Jackson’s absurd dissent in the Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard and Students for Fair Admissions v. the University of North Carolina cases. During an appearance on Fox News, Virginia Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears blasted Jackson’s dissent while calling out Jackson as an affirmative action pick to the court.


Host Martha MacCallum asked, “This is the dissent from Justice Jackson. She said, ‘With let them eat cake obliviousness today, the majority pulls the ripcord and announces color blindness for all by legal fiat. But deeming race irrelevant in law does not make it so in life,’ she said. She and Justice Sotomayor were outraged by this decision. Sotomayor said, ‘The opinion today will highlight the court’s own impetus in the face of America who cries for equality resound.’ What would you say to these justices?”


Well, what you have is the justice who was chosen because she’s black and because she’s a woman,” Sears responded. “You know, that’s what we’re understanding now, what a woman is. And Martha, while we’re playing these stupid games, I’m saying that education and the lack of it in America has risen to a national crisis. China is not playing these stupid games. China is interested in total world domination, and so is Russia and the rest of them. That’s what we have to be concerned about. Our children are not learning. In fact, when they do graduate from high school and decide to go on to college, Martha, more than 60% of them, according to the statistics, need remedial education that very first year.”


“So, you know how the president is talking about getting rid of student loans? Well, then, the children are having to stay one extra year in college based on loans that they have taken for work that they should have completed when they were in high school. So, let’s cut that and let’s get to what the remedies are, and I’m pulling for school choice. School choice now. Our children are in need.”


Justice Clarence Thomas’s concurring opinion directly addressed Jackson’s dissenting opinion, calling her out by name multiple times. According to Thomas, Jackson’s “race-infused world view falls flat at each step. Individuals are the sum of their unique experiences, challenges, and accomplishments.”


Thomas wrote, “What matters is not the barriers they face, but how they choose to confront them. And their race is not to blame for everything—good or bad—that happens in their lives. A contrary, myopic world view based on individuals’ skin color to the total exclusion of their personal choices is nothing short of racial determinism.”