Anonymous ID: c2464d June 30, 2023, 5 p.m. No.19102097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2127 >>2256 >>2486 >>2632 >>2700

6:52 minutes

7 hours ago

National Pulse | How Ron DeSantis Gave $92M To Iranian-Born Real Estate Mogul For Favors


There’s a lot coming out about Mortezo Hoesseni in the next couple of days from the National Pulse!


RDS has been comped for so long its not funny! But he chose to run for president so there will be an avalanche coming.


The truth always comes out, now do Israel!


6:52 minutes

Anonymous ID: c2464d June 30, 2023, 5:35 p.m. No.19102263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2486 >>2632 >>2700

God Bless and protect Mike Lindell he will never give up!


3:47 minutes

Lindell: New State-By-State Solution Will Be Key To Fixing American Election. God wins in the end


Mike just found out there was 357,000 more voters in NY, than they had on the voter rolls in the 2020 elections!

Anonymous ID: c2464d June 30, 2023, 5:43 p.m. No.19102310   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2344 >>2486 >>2632 >>2700

Moms for Liberty. The gathering in DC at the Lincoln Memorial, is against abortion and she says a meaningful statement. Leigh Wambsganss: “If The Devil Isn’t Fighting You, That Means You Are Not Threat To Him”

4:26 minutes

Anonymous ID: c2464d June 30, 2023, 6:03 p.m. No.19102388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2402

A friend sent me this picture while they were flying in a plane last night: “I just took this picture out my window of the plane, the left wing & the moon, from 34,000 ft above the Midwest, on my way to Colorado Springs!”


Enjoy!Meme masters have fun

Anonymous ID: c2464d June 30, 2023, 6:50 p.m. No.19102576   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Joe Biden Reacts to Supreme Court Restraining His Unilateral Power to Forgive Student Loans…


June 30, 2023 | Sundance |

Joe Biden reads his response to the Supreme Court decision that blocked the executive branch from permanently eliminating student debt without an act of Congress.


In his defense of the smackdown by SCOTUS, Biden conflates his unilateral student loan giveaway with the legislatively authorized PPP program. One is from executive fiat, the other from legislative assembly; see the difference?Yes Joe, if you wanted it to be legit, you needed an act of Congress.


Additionally, notice how Biden lies about what the PPP program was. PPP was a program to subsidize and support the payroll expenses of shut down small businesses – keeping small business workers with a paycheck -not replacing the business’s operational income. Video and Transcript Below – WATCH:


(He is literally insane but people will believe him)


[Transcript] … This program was all set to begin. The website had been set up. The applications had been simplified so that it took less than five minutes to complete. Notices had been sent out to people about the relief they were eligible for. Sixteen million people — sixteen million people had already been approved. The money was literally about to go out the door.


And then, Republican elected officials and special interests stepped in. They said no — “no” — literally snatching from the hands of millions of Americans thousands of dollars in student debt relief that was about to change their lives.


You know, these Republican officials just couldn’t bear the thought of providing relief for working-class and middle-class Americans. Republican state officials sued my administration, attempting to block relief, including for millions of their own constituents.


I think every one. I don’t think I had any Republican votes for this plan. At the same time, think about this: We all supported the Paycheck Protection Program — remember? — PPP — you know, which was designed to help businessowners who lost money because of the pandemic. It was a worthy program.


But let’s be clear: Some of the same elected Republicans, members of Congress who strongly opposed giving relief to students, got hundreds of thousands of dollars themselves in relief — members of Congress — because of the businesses they were able to keep open. Several members of Congress got over a million dollars.


I was trying to provide students with 10 to 20 thou- — $10- to $20,000 of relief. By comparison, the average amount forgiven in the PPP — the pandemic loan program — average amount forgiven was $70,000. The hypocrisy is stunning…


Let me close with this: Our Republican officials say, “Student loan relief is a giveaway to the privileged.” You hear that loud now: “the privileged.” (Laughs.) I love the concern for the privileged….


But I know who student loan borrowers are in this country and so do all of you(Liar!)


Hope on the horizon thanks to the relief that I planned last year — today’s Court decision snatched it away from them.


But today’s decision has closed one path. Now we’re going to pursue another. I’m never going to stop fighting for you. We’ll use every tool at our disposal to get you the student debt relief you need and reach your dreams….It’s good for the economy. It’s good for the country. It’s going to be good for you.


QMr. President, why did you give millions of borrowers false hope?You’ve dated — doubted your own authority here in the past.

THE PRESIDENT: I didn’t give any false hope. The question was whether or not I would do even more than was requested. What I did, I thought was appropriate and was able to be done and would get done. I didn’t give borrowers false hope. But the Republicans snatched away the hope that it was — they were given. And it’s real — real hope.


Q Mr. President, the Court said you overstepped your authority. Did you overstep your authority?

THE PRESIDENT: I think the Court misinterpreted the Constitution.


QMr. President, do you admit failure in Afghanistan? Mistakes?There was a — there was a report on Afghanistan withdrawal, saying there was failure, mistakes. Do you admit there was mistakes during the withdrawal and before?

THE PRESIDENT: No, no. All the evidence is coming back. Do you remember what I said about Afghanistan? I said al Qaeda would not be there. I said it wouldn’t be there. I said we’d get help from the Taliban. What’s happening now? What’s going on? Read your press. I was right.