Get off my lawn!!! Kek!
Is POTUS getting indicted again? AM talk radio is sounding retarded right now.
Get off my lawn!!! Kek!
Is POTUS getting indicted again? AM talk radio is sounding retarded right now.
But we're supposed to unite with them against the pedofucks? Hmmm…
They weren't doing that before? What changed? FBI butthurt they don't have as much control and reeking havoc now? We keep this tincan here running breddy smooth despite all. Elon should hire Q kek. Or at least Jim's crew.
True, I know. Just pointing out how his reason sounds like an excuse. Saying something like "we want to grow our app user base and encourage them to buy Blue" sounds moar logical at this point, like something a new CEO would suggest for increased profit. Oh well, we'll see. Think something scared [them] honestly. Like POTUS coming back. If I can't see the Storm tweet, for example, how the fuck can I verify it, you know?
FBI does reek though…probably like the Office Bike's seat kek.
All good until the power goes out kek!
No peachy goodness will come from anything kinetic, especially if civvies would have to get involved. Things would have to get so bad, it'll probably be too late. Probably. So I don't even know if 4 moar years of Trump even matter at this point, let alone that tweet. So I do keep the hope alive it's a movie and Q is indeed doing the heavy lifting.
Lifelong debilitating feelings of inadequacy that led to heavy SSRI use and malignant narcissism.
Tiresias-tier meme.
Found the Malignant Narcissist Bot.
Make Virginity Great Again! As much as that would pain Planned Parenthood kek.