Anonymous ID: 7c07eb June 26, 2018, 8:37 a.m. No.1910490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0506 >>0576 >>0603

This is a re-post from last bread, so I salute the Anon who linked it. This video is 13 minutes long. The first half is a very depressing, honest look at how we wound up in the poor state we (were) in. The second half is very, very promising and positive about POTUS winning and the Q movement.


Excellent red pilling tool, especially if you let Normies watch it on their own without us hammering on them. Let people red pill themselves, just keep laying breadcrumbs!

Anonymous ID: 7c07eb June 26, 2018, 8:43 a.m. No.1910540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0604 >>1115 >>1117 >>1166

In response to Anon (last bread) with the sharp 97-year old grandmother...




What I'm about to share is important for you and every other well-intentioned Anon. This brilliant woman had NO chance against a well-oiled, well-funded, well-thought out propaganda machine called the C_A and Project Mockingbird. Every Normie has been brainwashed... purposely!


Nearly every newscast, article, radio program, web posting, blog, etc. has been created to keep us sleeping and/or fighting with each other. No more! Please find below one of my first postings here and pay careful attention to the parts about how painful (and counter-intuitive) it is to "wake up". God bless you all!


The importance of EMPATHY when in a Red-Pilling relationship...


• WifeAnon figured out the nasty truth of 9/11 very quickly. So did her “tin foil hat wearing” friends.

• I was in my late thirties when two planes took down three buildings in perfect free fall. Oh, lest I forget, a "757" also penetrated a 9-foot thick concrete wall and then blew up the exact part of the Pentagon that contained the materials and people that were investigating the $2.3 TRILLION that Rumsfeld announced was missing the day prior (YT this). More amazingly, that same “jet” somehow avoided being video captured by the building that has more video surveillance than any other building in the world.

• It took me YEARS to Red Pill myself, even though I was surrounded by Woke Folks.




• Because I volunteered to serve in Army Intelligence at the age of 18. Mr. Reagan was my Commander-in-Chief. I would have died for this country. I served with honor and distinction.

• In short, I bought the "Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Chevrolet" story. All of it.

• I was indoctrinated from the time I went to kindergarten by teachers, books, mainstream media, parents, etc.

• One rainy Friday, WifeAnon and the Tin Foil Hat brigade had gone camping. Not one to hang out in the rain, I stayed home and had ALL DAY for fuckery on the old Interwebs.

• Ran across “Loose Change” and wound up spending about 14 hours learning about 9/11 and how the rest of the world thought we were fucking idiots.

• Once reality set in, I grabbed a bottle of whiskey, drank most of it and cried—nonstop—for hours.




• Because ALL of my values, education and beliefs were stripped clean from me, and nothing was left to replace them!

• I was mentally fucked up for a few months as I had to install a brand new operating system to replace the old one.

• Now, fellow Anons, consider this: Q is patiently helping us “build the map” and we are faithfully doing so. As we see the bigger picture, it’s kinda like 9/11 is but a single piece in a 5,000 piece jigsaw puzzle.

• Bears worth repeating: 9/11 IS BUT A SINGLE PIECE IN A 5,000 PIECE JIGSAW PUZZLE!

• Now, consider the massive amount of cognitive dissonance the average Normie will have to endure.

• He/she is where I was ten years ago. “Life is good, Trump is a douche (but thanks for the tax break) and you fuckers are dumbed-down conspiracy theorists.”

• It’s going to take a LONG, slow, drip-by-drip process to bring them out of their happy comas into a new reality where EVERYTHING THEY EVERY KNEW OR BELIEVED IS WRONG (AND GONE)!

• It’s not fun to “wake up”. In fact, it’s the most painful thing I’ve ever endured.

• Have empathy for blue-pillers.

• Have kindness. Have patience. Have love and be nonjudgmental.

• Learn how to make people curious without making them defensive.

• Yes, I’m the same Anon that wrote the Socratic Red-Pilling Guide you’ve likely found here.

• I just forgot to also write about the importance of walking a mile in other people’s shoes.

• Pray. Be the light that attracts other people. Ask open-ended questions. Be patient. Let other people wake up at their own pace. Let other people “be the expert” and let them “sell themselves”.

• I love you fuckers in a sincerely non-homo way!


• p.s.: Beer at the parade, muh bitches.

Anonymous ID: 7c07eb June 26, 2018, 8:56 a.m. No.1910638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0704 >>0796


Most of us ex-military Anons are familiar with "long-game" and are comfy with the pace of events as they keep unfolding.


This may not be the best "movie" for someone of your personality type, experience and temperament.

Anonymous ID: 7c07eb June 26, 2018, 9:09 a.m. No.1910745   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Comey might be a good guess.


If he caught wind of the 16-year plan and it scared him straight, that would explain why he ran to his BFF, Mueller, with the goods. If Mueller had the same reaction, that would also explain him wanting to meet with POTUS immediately after taking office.


Would also explain the title for his book.


All under the assumption that he flipped himself early on and created both "characters" (Strzok and Page) to leave a clear path of breadcrumbs right back to all the guilty actors.


Fucking great movie, by the way!

Anonymous ID: 7c07eb June 26, 2018, 9:17 a.m. No.1910829   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Seriously, the deep end of the pool is not for you.


You have zero sense of the size and scope of this undertaking.


No wonder why this movie is frustrating for you. You've been groomed for "problem, solution, happy ending" in 90 minutes or less.