Anonymous ID: cd5b43 June 26, 2018, 8:35 a.m. No.1910480   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just watched the Vid on saving the world! Almost brought tears to my eyes. Definitely gave me goosebumps!


I have been here since the very beginning and have seen the proofs! I know it's happening. Doing my damnedest to redpill and explain to friends and family. Very tough proposition. The Mockingbird has quite a spell cast. Slowly, my wife has jumped on board. Especially now that she is seeing more people talk about Q. She first thought I was nuts and spending too much time following this stuff, but now seems to get it. My kids are young adults. I have opened their eyes to all the symbology of these evil SOB's. They see it and are aware now.


I am patiently waiting the high profile arrests! This will be the only way a few of my friends will realize what I have been telling them is true. Their cognitive dissonance is strong!


Thank you DJT, Q, and all the anonymous actors working behind the scenes to purge the evil from our nation and the world! May God protect and aid you all in your actions!