Anonymous ID: d77f5e June 26, 2018, 9:25 a.m. No.1910899   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0936 >>1022



That's right, Soros is a satanist.

So is the cabal.

Those who claim to be Jews are mostly good people, but they are actually Pharisees.

The real Jews today call themselves Orthodox Christians. They still follow the teachings of Abraham, the Laws of Moses, and they still have priests who lead them in prayer once a week, and enter the Holy of Holies in their temples. But the real Jews have also accepted the Messiah, Jesus Christ, and his new teachings to LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR.


There are some modern Jews who are not Orthodox Christians who do not accept the Messiah and follow the prophet Mohammed. But these ones are terribly confused because of satanic influences that corrupted their scriptures placing time bombs in them.


As for Catholics, well, those are now Jews because they are satanists.


And Protestants, they reject much of the satanist that the Pope presides over but they are a mixed bag. Some groups are satanists and others very close to Orthodox Christians. The problem with protestants who get to close to Orthodox Christianity is that they tend to just join an Orthodox church along with their flock and therefore are no longer Protestants.


And Jesus was the son of god, Julius Caesar and his mother Cleopatra sent him to India to study at the feet of the holiest men in the known world. There he basically became a Buddhist but dumbed down the teachings into a form of Bhakti Yoga to suit the temperament of the Middle East, where he tried to spread his teachings among the Jews, hoping to turn them away from the path of Satanism. His whole ministry in Judea was to undercut the Satanists and remove their ability to control the people. To a certain extent he succeeded because many people rejected Satanism and created a movement around his teachings.

Anonymous ID: d77f5e June 26, 2018, 9:40 a.m. No.1910998   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1008 >>1014 >>1080 >>1173



You are a fucking clown!

Either that or a latent homosexual.


This voice is EXACTLY the right voice for the video.

This voice is what makes it so powerful.

Calm and quiet yet firm and insistent

This voice will appeal to liberals and that is PRECISELY

What we want.

We want to reach liberals

To get them to think about what is happening

To question the world



This video is at least as powerful

As the one that got Trump elected.


Go to social media

Tell everyone that arrests will be starting soon

That they will build into a wave

Bigger than the arrests in Turkey

After the coup attempt on Erdogan

1000s of Americans will be arrested

Under 35,000 sealed indictments

And this video explains why

Tell everyone to watch this video

And upload it to as many different download sites as you can

Because the clowns will be out in force to try and stop it.


Don't just retweet this one

But write one or two new tweets every day

With the URL from a site like BitChute

Anonymous ID: d77f5e June 26, 2018, 9:46 a.m. No.1911050   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Another clown shill

He admits that he works in the audio/video business

The one that ruined Pop Music with their intense use

Of audio Compression to make everything sound louder

He works for the cabal

Building psyop for our minds

And expects us to trust his opinions on a video



We will not listen to you, fuckwit. This voice is just perfect to reach the liberal audience that we want to reach. And the spelling mistake should stay because we can leverage it by talking about it like thisโ€ฆ


Notice the I in inevitible? EVer wonder why the video has an extra I?

Think of it as a message meaning EXTRA EYE.

The message is to OPEN BOTH YOUR EYES

Notice how the criminals have all kinds of videos with the message to shut one eye?

They are telling you to become blind to their crimes.

But we want you to open an EXTRA EYE

And see the crimes these people have perpetrated and help us to stop them.


This is inevitible.


And one day, the dictionaries will catch up to us.

Anonymous ID: d77f5e June 26, 2018, 9:52 a.m. No.1911090   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1106 >>1114



You guys have never dealt with real spies.

People who trained to be REAL intelligence agents, the kind who spend some of their career working under cover in foreign countries, try to leave no tracks at all, and have no public presence at all.

So when you notice this, it means you have discovered a guy who started out as a CIA operative abroad. Since he is Polish, maybe he was in Poland or Ukraine or Russia. But nobody can check, because nobody has any photos of him. As you know, foreign operatives often habitually wear disguises as well, so if he ended up in a crowd shot somewhere, you will not connect it with the real Peter Strzok.


But he is definitely real and comes from a family of Polish origin (like Zbigniew) with many members who all seem to be working in military or intelligence types of jobs.

Anonymous ID: d77f5e June 26, 2018, 9:58 a.m. No.1911139   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Why would he?


The video appeared when someone posted it here.

So now that we all know about it

Why would Q waste his time posting it too?


Fact is that lots of patriots all over the place are doing things to HELP

And most of them are not on this board

And probably don't even know about this board