Anonymous ID: f7c20e June 26, 2018, 9:01 a.m. No.1910677   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This sack of shit is going to be hauled back to the States when Trump meets Putin in the middle of next month. Looks more and more like Snowden was CIA operative to discredit and turn public opinion against the NSA from day one. I'm certain the cabal knew that the MI community was trying to fight against them even back then.

Anonymous ID: f7c20e June 26, 2018, 9:07 a.m. No.1910728   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0762 >>0837


Jesus was infinitely more complex than any person to have ever lived, and often had more than one meaning in all the parables/teachings he gave us. I want you to posit, just for a second, that you might have but one angle on The Lord. One perspective.


Take this as "tongue-in-cheek" all you want, but there's a message here. It's not heresy, it's just perspective.

Anonymous ID: f7c20e June 26, 2018, 9:26 a.m. No.1910905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0942


Correction. Q says:

"We" (anons) have more than we know.


"We have it all" as in Q team has all the evidence.

"We are in control" as in Q team is in control.


Be careful not to misconstrue the meanings. Context of subject matter and the way the statements are made providing true meaning. Sometimes Q is talking directly to us. Sometimes Q is talking directly to "them" in a way for "us" to listen (read) in on.

Search for "you have more" (27 references to anons)

Search for "We have it all" (10 matches in context of information disbursement)

Search for "We are in control" (5 references assuring anons the narrative is THEIRS, not the enemy's)


The most important Q reference, for you, anon, is this one:



>Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first

Here's the critical point. Q's going to name off conditions prior to the cabal take down. PAY ATTENTION:

>ensuring the safety & well-being of the population,

Sort of important, wouldn't you say? This isn't your average WAR. This is covert. This is saving as many lives as possible.

>shifting the narrative,

VERY FUCKING IMPORTANT to get as many minds FREED as possible. Think about The Matrix and freeing everyone too suddenly (mass suicides; yearning for the old way). There'd be literal REVOLTS against the truth!!!

>removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success,

Command and Control BACK in the interests of the PEOPLE, not the black hats.

>defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes,

Literally taking out the enemy (what, exactly, do you think is REALLY happening at the border right now?). The wall is MORE IMPORTANT than you realize…

>freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities,

Financial freedom restored to all the globe; NOT JUST THE USA!

>kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc.

Again, wresting control from the enemy (taking them OUT)

>should not be participating in discussions.

This is where you are.


Until you understand each of these vital steps and the totality of what's occurring behind-the-scenes to secure the WORLD from evil, perhaps take a break from Q, or be content to "Keep Calm and Re-Read Crumbs", as it were.


Much love, anon.

Anonymous ID: f7c20e June 26, 2018, 9:39 a.m. No.1910992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1083



I'm not sure where it came from; either it came to me during a one-on-one study session with an old pastor from years back, or I heard it somewhere and regurgitated it. Not really sure. But I asked this one day, and got begrudging agreement from senior members in the church (including the pastor) that had to think on it a while.


"Tolerance is the virtue of a man that has no principles"


I still, to this day, go back and forth over it. I'm not sure if there's some "Truth" to it, or if I "want" there to be truth to it. All's I know is it caused quite a few conversations when I've brought it up in certain company.