Anonymous ID: ff1374 June 26, 2018, 9:03 a.m. No.1910696   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I've been doing some digging into Myanmar- nothing I can pin down yet but I'm trying. Anons have suggestions? Was focusing on Google but think I need to branch out.


HRC as SoS was first US dignitary to visit in 2011 (right after S Korea stop) in over 50 years. Then G.W. Bush visits in 2012, ES in 2013 (2 months after N Korea), Hussein in 2014 (but found reference to a 2012 visit which I'm hunting for), Bush Institute starts bringing Myanmar students to US to learn about democracy around 2016, and then Pope makes first visit ever to Myanmar in 2017.


US Foreign Aid to Myanmar was pretty flat from 2001 to 2011 (small spike in 2008). In 2012 it starts climbing and keeps climbing until 2016 where it then plummets to 2001 levels in 2018.