Anonymous ID: fe8d11 July 1, 2023, 8:34 a.m. No.19105088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5348 >>5606 >>5666 >>5811

White House Journo Who Fed Her Question To Joe Biden Elected To WHCA Board Seat


JUNE 30, 2023


The same White House reporter whose question was caught on a cue card for President Joe Biden just announced her election to the print seat on the White House Correspondents Association (WHCA) Board.


Courtney Subramanian of the Los Angeles Timeswill hold this board position for the next three years, meaning she will be the lead print correspondent for the rest of President Joe Biden’s first term.


This is the same reporter whose face and name appeared on a cheat sheet Biden was holding at a joint press conference with the president of South Korea on April 26. The notecard previewed what appeared to be a version of Subramanian’s question well before she asked it.


Biden’s defenders have argued Subramanian’s question was not identical to what was on the cue card, which read, “How are YOU squaring YOUR domestic priorities — like reshoring semiconductors manufacturing — with alliance-based foreign policy?”


Her actual question, however, was clearly just a more verbose version of what Biden had been prepped with. “Your top economic priority has been to build up U.S. domestic manufacturing in competition with China, but your rules against expanding chip manufacturing in China is hurting South Korean companies that rely heavily on Beijing,” she said. “Are you damaging a key ally in the competition with China to help your domestic politics ahead of the election?”


Not surprisingly, Biden’s answer matched the word choice of the cheat sheet: “Remember [that] America invented semiconductors,” the president urged attendees.


The Los Angeles Times reportedly denied allegations that it submitted its questions to Biden’s White House ahead of time — a denial eagerly parroted by CNN — but the whole ordeal was another reminder of Biden’s concerning physical and mental decline, suggesting he is incapable of answering basic questions about his own domestic and foreign policy without a script.


Worse, NotecardGate further exposed the corrupt relationship between powerful Democrats and the media that cover for them — a relationship that just rewarded the reporter in question with a seat on the board of the WHCA, an association of so-called journalists known for its commitment to left-wing activism over honest reporting.


For instance, the WHCA selectively defends outlets and their reporters. “The WHCA filed an amicus brief when the Trump administration revoked Jim Acosta’s (of CNN) hard pass, released a statement defending CNN’s Kaitlan Collins when she was barred from an event, and filed another amicus brief to challenge the revocation of Brian Karem’s hard pass,” The Spectator’s Amber Athey wrote. “However, the WHCA voted to remove conservative One America News Network (OANN) from the briefing room rotation for not abiding by its contrived social distancing guidelines, even though OANN’s correspondent had been personally invited to be in the briefing room by the Trump administration.”


The White House Correspondents’ Association is also known for bestowing prestigious awards upon media partisans. In 2020, it gave its Aldo Beckman Award forOverall Excellence in White House Coverage to PBS reporter Yamiche Alcindor, an activist who used her perch in the White House press briefing room, on TV, and on Twitter to attack Republicans with fake fact-checks and accusations of racism, while praising Joe Biden for being so “moral” and “decent.”


According to the WHCA’s latest seating chart for the presidential press briefing room released in February 2022,only nine of the nearly 50 media seatsare for outlets thatlean conservative— and of this already small group,more than half are placed in the back row. The entire system is designed to boost corrupt, establishment media and their favorite narratives — and it just elected another willing participant to help.

Anonymous ID: fe8d11 July 1, 2023, 8:54 a.m. No.19105193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5216 >>5348 >>5606 >>5666 >>5811

Musk pushed this today, he’s worried,I know why he banned lurkers, President Trump is coming back soon

The Tweet Beat: Your Guide to Key Twitter Statistics & Facts for 2023

By johnbuckley / June 30, 2023

Twitter is a social media powerhouse, captivating millions with its unique blend of 280-character tweets and trending hashtags. Beneath its surface lies a realm of fascinating facts and Twitter statistics.


This article will delve into that world to uncover the compelling data-driven insights that make the Twitterverse such a captivating platform.

1. Hashtag #4thMostVisited

In 2023, Twitter again solidified its position as a digital giant by securing the fourth spot in a SimilarWeb survey of the world’s most visited websites. But this wasn’t a one-off; because the blue bird has occupied that spot every year since 2020.

Predictably, Facebook, YouTube, and Google remain ahead, but with 500 million tweets being posted daily, there’s an awful lot of chatter happening in the Twitterverse.….

7.Elon Musk: The Most Followed Human Alive

Musk’s second appearance on our list merely underlines his dominance on the platform. With an impressive following of 145 million users, @ElonMusk holds the current crown as the most followed human on Twitter.

Musk is a master provocateur, using his immense social reach to spark conversations, poke fun, and influence markets.

Whether he’s making groundbreaking announcements about SpaceX, sharing his thoughts on crypto, or threatening to fight in a cage match with Mark Zuckerberg, Musk’s tweets create waves.

Now, as the owner of Twitter, he also holds the reins of a social media giant. Thus, it’s safe to say, Musk and Twitter are a combination that will continue to keep users engaged.

8. Birds the Word: Meet Larry, the Famous Twitter Mascot

The evolution of the Twitter Mascot Bird 'Larry'

The iconic blue Twitter bird, universally recognized as the symbol of the platform, is affectionately known as ‘Larry.’ This charming avian mascot has become synonymous with the tweeting world, embodying the essence of Twitter’s brand identity.

Interestingly,Twitter co-founder Biz Stone, an avid fan of the Boston Celtics, chose the name ‘Larry’ as a tribute to the legendary NBA basketball playerLarry Bird, who notably played for the Celtics.”

(Now PDJT has to mention Larry Bird at a rally! Kek)

10. Diverse Demographics: Inside Twitter’s Melting Pot

Unlocking the secrets of Twitter’s user base is key for anyone using Twitter for business or marketing, and Twitter analytics can help uncover some truly valuable demographic insights.

Here are a few to ponder:

Nearly half of all Tweets on Twitter originate with Gen Z.

The top 10% of US users are responsible for90% of US-generated Tweets.

62.9% of Twitter users are male, creating a gender gap that’s hard to ignore.

The best time to hit ‘Tweet’ on Twitter is between 9 AM and 3 PM.

Twitter hits the 18-34 crowd hard, capturing their attention with a 41% favorability rating.

23% of American users list their Twitter on their job profiles.

The average user spends 31 minutes on Twitter every day.

14. Yup, the CIA is Reading Your Tweets!

The CIA routinely monitors all social media andreads up to 5 million tweets daily. The agency’s Open Source Centre is the ultimate social media lurker, considering Twitter statistics a valuable source of intel.

Its dedicated team of several hundred people, known as the “Vengeful Librarians,” constantly scours the Twitterverse and wider web in a daily search for danger.

What they do when they find it is a closely guarded secret!

So, the next time you share that 280-character nugget, remember, the Vengeful Librarians are watching, silently judging whether your witty banter threatens national security!

15. The Potent Power of 280 Characters

Back in 2006, no one could have imagined that a service that was nearly called ‘FriendStalker” would one day end up having a huge global impact.

What began as an idea for a 140-character SMS text service became a global media powerhouse heard and seen around the world.

Twitter’s impact is enormous. It’s not just a platform; it’s a culture-shaping powerhouse —one where viral tweets break records, news events happen in real-time, trends and memes emerge spontaneously, and hashtags give birth to social movements.

Twitter can grow your business, attract more customers and help your local brand gain global fame, all with just a few clicks.

Plus, your first audit is on us! 😉

So, if you’re ready to make your mark in 280 characters and to perfectly tune-up your Twitter profile, try TwitterAudit today and let your voice be heard!

Who knows, your next tweet could be the start of something big!


Go on.The Twitterverse is waiting! 🚀

Anonymous ID: fe8d11 July 1, 2023, 9:07 a.m. No.19105262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5288

Of course Western countries are trusted the least butwhy is Canada trusted at all?Its State controlled and paid media is close to the highest!

Anonymous ID: fe8d11 July 1, 2023, 9:18 a.m. No.19105332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5446


They always have to attack when child trafficking is brought up, there will be more of this bullshit before the release of “Sound of Freedom” of July 4th. Ballard has testified in front of Senate and Congress. Regardless of the stats the knowledge must get out on child trafficking. Q mentioned it too many times and Trump did EOs on human and child trafficking, so its important!

Anonymous ID: fe8d11 July 1, 2023, 9:23 a.m. No.19105350   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I wonder how people will feel when they don’t see twitter daily, maybe relieved from the anxiety it causes. That happened when I quit watching TV 100% after Jan 2017. The level of fear and anxiety disappeared after a couple of days.

Anonymous ID: fe8d11 July 1, 2023, 9:30 a.m. No.19105387   🗄️.is 🔗kun

1 Jul, 2023 14:52

Ex-Russian president comments on Polish nuclear request

Dmitry Medvedev has warned a nuclear war could break out should the US deploy weapons of mass destruction to Poland


A nuclear war could start if the US accommodates Poland’s desire for the placing of nuclear weapons there, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has said. Earlier this week, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki called on NATO to include Warsaw in the bloc’s Nuclear Sharing Program.


In a Telegram post on Saturday, Medvedev shared his response to a request for comment by TASS.


The former head of state described thePolish leadership as “patented degenerates.” With such people in power in Warsaw, the presence of nuclear weapons in the country would mean that they “will be used.”


Medvedev, who currently serves as the deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council, noted that such a scenario would have a positive side to it, too.


“All dudas, morawieckis, kaczynskis and other scum will disappear,”Medvedev wrote, apparently referring to the Polish president, premier, and the head of the ruling Law and Justice party.


Speaking to reporters in Brussels on Friday, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said: “Due to the fact that Russia intends to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, we are… appealing to… NATO to [allow us] take part in the Nuclear Sharing Program.”


Launched in 2009, the NATO Nuclear Sharing Program has seen US B-61 nuclear bombs deployed to various locations around Europe.


Moscow and Minsk first revealed they were in talks over the nuclear deployment to Belarus back in March, with the agreement finalized in May.


In mid-June, President Putin told his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko that the preparations would be completed in early July, with a number of low-yield warheads already in place.


Around the same time, the Belarusian head of state claimed there was a threat directed at his country, which he had to “counter.” Lukashenko stressed that he would not hesitate to use the Russian nuclear weapons in case of aggression against Belarus.


Explaining its decision, Moscow, for its part, has argued that the deployment would be no different from what the US has been doing for decades by keeping parts of its nuclear arsenal in non-nuclear nations, such as Türkiye, Belgium, or Italy.


(Medvedev may not be wrong, Poland is very aggressive and angry, it’s like they want more war. It’s really crazy because the Poles are not normally like that. What does he mean “patented degenerates”? Do they facilitate child trafficking?)

Anonymous ID: fe8d11 July 1, 2023, 9:51 a.m. No.19105510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5552

(That’s funny the picture of Burns RT chose is conveying Burns withthe “Trust Me Look”!)

1 Jul, 2023 15:29

CIA chief spoke to Moscow about Wagner revolt – WSJ

William Burns reportedly reassured his Russian counterpart that the US played no role in the aborted rebellion


CIA Director William Burns reached out to Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) head Sergey Naryshkin to state that the US “wasn’t involved” in Wagner Group leader Evgeny Prigozhin’s march on Moscow last weekend, the Wall Street Journal has reported.


Burns spoke to Naryshkinby phone shortly afterBelarusian President Alexander Lukashenko brokered a deal whereby Prigozhin would leave for Belarus in exchange for immunity from prosecution, the newspaper reported on Friday. (Calling before Wagner got to Belarus means Burns wanted to dispel any truth Prighozhin would tell Belarus about the agency interference and influence)


An anonymous US official summed up the message relayed by the CIA chief as “the US wasn’t involved. This is an internal Russian matter.”


Earlier in the week, US President Joe Biden told reporters that his administration “made clear that we were not involved.We had nothing to do with it.This was part of a struggle within the Russian system.” However, the phone call between Burns and Naryshkin “is believed to be the highest-level contact between the two governments since the attempted mutiny,” the Wall Street Journal explained.


The rebellion began on June 23, when Prigozhin accused the Russian military of launching a deadly missile strike on one of the group’s field camps. The Russian Defense Ministry denied the allegation, but Prigozhin vowed to march to Moscow and demand “justice” regardless. Wagner troops occupied parts of the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don the following day, but the journey to Moscow was halted later that night when Lukashenko announced that a deal had been reached.


Russian President Vladimir Putin denounced Prigozhin's actions as “a betrayal of our people,” and touted the deal as the best option to avert a bloody civil war. Under the agreement, Wagner troops will be integrated into the regular Russian military, while the private military company will reportedly hand over its tanks, anti-aircraft systems, and other heavy weaponry.


Before the deal was announced, Western politicians and media outlets openly celebrated what they saw as a threat to Putin’s rule. Amid subsequent reports claiming that Western intelligence agencies knew about the planned revolt in advance, National Guard of Russia commander Viktor Zolotov declared this week that the revolt “was inspired by Western special services, because, as they said, they knew about it several weeks ahead of time.”


Zolotov claimed that “Prigozhin’s camp” had been deliberately leaking “focused” information about a possible mutiny coming sometime between last Thursday and Sunday. He further suggested that Western agents may have been directly involved in conducting the operation.


The Kremlin has not endorsed Zolotov’s claims. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday that Russia has always emerged stronger from such challenges, describing the mutiny as “nothing more than trouble.”


(This would be the first time in history the US, CIA and Intelligence agencies were not involved in subverting Russia. They were offering Social Media users payment to subvert Russia two months ago. And the CIA runs Ukraine, of course they were involved and Russia never would believe Burns or the US. CIA’s job is lying so this attempt by Burns & WH proves they are freaked out. Why even bother to call them?)

Anonymous ID: fe8d11 July 1, 2023, 10:06 a.m. No.19105595   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I know, when the whole federal gov repeat the same phrase, its the distributed talking point, when they realized “Oh Shit Russia and Putin are not being destroyed!” It’s pretty weak and pathetic. My Ficus tree could lie better than them! Kek

Anonymous ID: fe8d11 July 1, 2023, 10:10 a.m. No.19105616   🗄️.is 🔗kun

1 Jul, 2023 15:21

Weak states will perish – Orban

Hungary needs strong people to survive as the world’s foundations are starting to crumble, the Hungarian PM has said


Hungary is being pressed in several directions due to the Ukraine conflict and surge in migration, and must strive to overcome these challenges, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Saturday.


Speaking at the opening ceremony of the Faculty of Law Sciences at the National University of Public Administration, which was attended by future law enforcement officers, Orban stated that Hungarians “areliving in times when the foundations of the world are shaking,” and the epicenter of this earthquake is located in the country’s neighborhood.


He pointed to the hostilities in Ukraine to the east, noting that “tens and hundreds of thousands of migrants from the south are besieging our borders.”


Against this backdrop, Hungary needs to have a strong government, economy, army, and law enforcement agencies, Orban said. “We must train and arm ourselves…strong people are greatly needed, because the truth is worth little without strength.” (Sounds Trumpian!)


“The time will come when weak nations will be lost and the strong will remain. Therefore, we must strengthen our own defense lines and law enforcement agencies every single day,”he added.


Orban has been critical both of the EU’s policies and the way the West has handled the Ukraine conflict. Earlier this week, he claimed that the bloc in its current state brings “neither peace nor prosperity” to its member states, pointing to the hostilities between Moscow and Kiev, as well as the “increasingly worrying state” of the economy.


Since the start of the Ukraine conflict, Budapest has repeatedly called on Kiev and Moscow to engage in negotiations, while refusing to provide weapons to Ukraine. Hungary has also dismissed the Western sanctions on Russia as counterproductive and detrimental to the EU economy.

Anonymous ID: fe8d11 July 1, 2023, 10:37 a.m. No.19105765   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(Picture reflects Zelensky in “making excuses mode”)

1 Jul, 2023 13:53

Kiev must show ‘battlefield results’ in next ten days – Zelensky (Whined)

Western officials reportedly believe Ukraine’s offensive is not going well, with further assistance hinging on its outcome


Ukrainewants tomake some progress on the battlefield in its counteroffensive against Russiabeforethe upcomingNATO summit, President Vladimir Zelensky said on Friday, although he admitted that this would lead to new losses.


Speaking to several Spanish media outlets, the Ukrainian leader stated that Kiev has to “show results” before NATO leaders convene in Vilnius, Lithuania, on July 11, adding that “every kilometer costs lives.”


Zelensky noted that “torrential rains… slowed down some processes quite a bit” and reiterated calls for Kiev’s Western backers to continue sending arms to Ukraine. He also claimed that Ukraine’s offensive operations conducted last autumn wereundermined by the late arrival of artillery. (He missed ”the dog ate my battle plans” excuse)


“We stopped because we couldn’t advance. Advancing meant losing people and we had no artillery,” he explained. “We are very cautious in this aspect. Fast things are not always safe.” (Wow he’s really making the case, Ukraine should have never gotten in this war in the first place.)


The Ukrainian president also reiterated his long-standing demands that Kiev eventually be admitted to NATO.“NATO without Ukraine is not NATO,” he stated, claiming that there were no other armies on the continent like Ukraine’s that had the same battlefield experience. (Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha…kek, he’s delusional and crazy! He just said they couldn’t make any advance, lost men and equipment, so they stopped, how does that make Ukraine army a superior fighting force?)


Zelensky’s comments come after Igor Zhovka, a deputy head of the president’s office, warned that the Ukrainian leader couldskip the NATO summitaltogether if the bloc did not make a serious commitment to Kiev’s accession. Earlier, Jens Stoltenberg, the head of the US-led military bloc, stated that any discussions about Ukraine’s membership could start only on the condition that it prevails over Russia. (Zelensky’s threats are getting old.)


Ukraine launched a large-scale offensive against Russian positions in early June but has failed to gain any ground and has suffered heavy losses, according to the Russian Defense Ministry. Zelensky himself has admitted difficulties, saying that the offensive is proceeding “slower than desired” in the face of “tough resistance” from Russian troops.


According to a Financial Times report from earlier this week, Western officials have been unimpressed by Ukraine’s performance on the battlefield, with the paper’s sources noting that long-term Western support for Kiev is contingent on the eventual outcome of the offensive.


(Pardon the comments but this was too funny!)