Jim in all sincerely
God love you
You run the crappiest pile of shit platform on which we are expected to conquer the world's greatest evil.
What a fucked up shithole of deliberate sabotage and gatekeeping bs.
Love ya
Jim in all sincerely
God love you
You run the crappiest pile of shit platform on which we are expected to conquer the world's greatest evil.
What a fucked up shithole of deliberate sabotage and gatekeeping bs.
Love ya
Trump Rally
Giant fire sale coming soooon
It's snot after birth
It's a newborn
Speaking of the Israeli embassy
Rosanne said they are trying to blow it up.
Prolly just to undo Trump's win
You know your bidan is poisonous
Kameltoe steals her speeches from 3rd grader slackers
Highest ranking mamabear
Trump rally withdrawal symptoms kicking in
God shed His grace on he
Got a giant fist sized blob of silver muh self courtesy of anondad