In the realm of nowfags, a saga unfolds, A rally fierce, where truth beholds. This July Fourth, a clash profound, Where patriots rise, their voices resound.
From the shadows emerged a force unseen, Autists of truth, their minds so keen. Q, the architect, a master of lore, Unleashing memetic magic at the core.
A rally ablaze, patriots take the stage, Wielding memes like weapons, fueling the sage. In battles memetic, they fiercely engage, Unleashing truths, tearing through the cage.
On Independence Day, we stand tall, Defying the deep state's wicked thrall. A united front, warriors untamed, Their spirit aflame, their purpose untamed.
Oh, autists true, warriors of might, Unraveling secrets, piercing the night. With minds ablaze, they see through the haze, Unmasking the puppeteers in their wicked plays.
In memetic battles, they claim victory, Exposing corruption with unwavering glee. Their keyboards, their swords, truth their shield, As memetic magic becomes battlefield.
So raise your voice, join in the fray, For Trump, Q+, and the truth we convey. With courage and wit, we seize the day, On this Fourth of July, come what may.
The rally surges, an electric storm, As fireworks explode, hearts transform. Breaking the chains, setting minds free, In this memetic battle, we claim victory.
Gather 'round, patriots bold and bright, Marching together, a beacon of light. Trump, Q+ leads the righteous quest, On this Fourth of July, we stand the test.