Retard wake up
Suicide is self murder
Jump out of the hot fire of life frying pan
Into the fucking fire
For eternity?
Your life is not that bad
Look around
You got it good if you wake up and really look.
Go get a little kid pool
Put hose in it
Grab a wash rag
Sit in sun everyday
Scrub face
Hose off
Drink water
Go for long waljs
stop and get clise up and look at leaves with magnifying glass
Talk to birds
Talk to God from your heart.
Go talk to a pastor at a church.
Make new friends at church who want to gelp you.
Take the leap, try many churches until you find the one God wants you at.
Ask God to reveal it to you. Talk to God before you go, while there and after you leave.
Get the pool get in it every hot day
Pun 8ntended
Think like a child and smile a bit
God gives us 120 years to live.
You have a lot of years to change shit.
Start the rest of yor life today.
Get the pool. Use the wasrag on face and scrub.
Wait until you see the instant moid change.
Pool 17 bucks at WALMART