Anonymous ID: 58ae87 July 1, 2023, 3:23 p.m. No.19107151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7210


> >>19107055

>confirmation dubs chek'ed and witnessed

>said the same thing earlier today.

>a feeling of dread.

>not fear but point of reckoning where anon would have to resort to physical conflict.

>in a unarmed nation…

>hope not but it comes to it

>so be it…

Here's something that might help.

Anon has been visualizing the fourth dimension in various ways, and just "remembered"/found a very simple way to do it.

We live in X, Y and Z.

Collapse one of those, e.g., X, so now you're just "one pixel" wide, but forward/backward (Y), and up/down (Z) still work the same. And you're still moving the same; just, this perspective compresses/collapses X.

Now, from there, visualize the W dimension (fourth), where the X was.

Can visualize this with any of the three dimensions, replacing.

This is how ki/chi/qi connections may exist, we can't see them in our 3 dimensions but the effects are real, and we know they're connected somehow.

4D may be how.

We can act in 4D if we learn how.

The heart is where we access; it's "in and out", like the burger joint.

Be nicer to people, including one's self. That shifts the outcome. Warfare isn't all fighting and dying (there is no death, either; there's life and super-life), warfare is also "winning hearts and minds" and spinning energy fields that powerfully overcome the negative with positive healing.

Yeah, the Q team still needs to ultimately rely on the military and people will end up dead as a result. And, as your picrel indicates, it may get worse before it gets better. Learn how things are connected, then it gets better even when it gets worse. If that makes sense.