Correct, KYS hooknosed inferior fuckwits.
STFU filthy hooknosed mongrel fuckwit!
>So, MuhJoo
>omni = all
Don't sayin, kek!
That's me, not your fake Q's braindead mongrels!
>Departed SFO, could have Nan onboard.
Maybe they dumped the thing at this point. Kek
Oh, they fly further, the flight tracker sometimes hangs a bit. We'll see where it goes.
>suicide is a trap
Typical Jewboi!
>Spiritual despair attack. How did they do it?
Brainwashing from early childhood, it's like mass hypnosis, they have occupied all the important positions for centuries.
> If that was the strength of their prayers
Nah, their viciousness and mendacity, the art of deceiving and deceiving people, they are evolutionary evil!
>they're about to have a very bad time.
That's for sure!
>Or I could be full of shit.
Unfortunately, no, they are very real.