Anon discussion on getting off of benzos reminded me of my own story. At one time anon was on 4 psych drugs all at once. Klonopin, Risperdal, Celexa and Seroquel. Miraculously got off all of them.
>We need to really transition out of using Twitter for Media.
Yeah anon would like to say: If you are Ed Dowd, DC Draino, The Vigilant Fox, Steve Kirsch or the notable "jikky" would you please place your content somewhere else? Substack and other paid places don't work for some of us.
>God Bless!
You, too. God really did bless me. Diidn't know how much until the story about Jordan Peterson going to Russia to get off Klonopin came out. Anon got off that one without any professional help or guidance. Almost had to go to the hospital but didn't.