Very Treasonous
Espionage act 1917 Anyone?
There's a Strom a Coming
& Not One [you] is prepared for it
The Giant is Awakening
Also, we've Hidden the Cigarettes & Covfefe on purpose
Normies Know the Names
Normies Know the Faces
Normies Know the Deeds
Normies Know they're after the Children
It'll only take a Small & Insignificant Spark to set the Giant on a path of Boycott Destruction of Biblical Proportions
apparently, Prince Hunter is privileged and He is Immune to the Law
they spelt Stealing wrong
I don't care about your feelings or your Diversity
Can you carry a Rifle and Kill the Enemy?
you look too busy with yourself to be worried about your Teammates
I just miss the way his Id Glowed
Police shoot a Criminal Fleeing
"Protestors" Burn, Loot, and Murder Civilians Houses, Businesses & Lives
The Silence from Macron is Deafening
Almost like he approves
Chaos & Fear are the Only cards they have left
Dear Normies
99.99% of Jews follow the Hebrew Bible
The Amount of Jews that follow the Talmud is similar to those that follow the The Satanic Bible
Dear Normies,
We could learn a lot from the Jewish Culture
-Walls Work
-Deportation Works
-Religion Works
-Family First Works
-Mothers raising their Children Works
-Education works
-Strong Military Works
Bonus: China Shows us that
-Walls Work
-Death For Dealing Drugs Works
Thank you for your time and consideration into this matter
We are all the Children of God
Every race and Culture has good & Bad Ideas
Is it not wise to take the good ideas and toss the bad ones?
2 Peter 2:1 - But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
you have my Matter Stream Converter B
you'll have to disengage the Biofilters for that