Anonymous ID: 22776a July 1, 2023, 5:54 p.m. No.19107896   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Trumpets of the 93 Current

written by David Bersson on

February 20th, An CXVIII 2022 e.v.


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law


I shall now expound how I perceive what is generically and generally perceived as the trend of the times, fashion of the times and concerns of the times. Shall we meditate which hand picked trends you consider to embrace as a manifestation of your will. For something of the trends will most assuredly be merged with your True Will as a definite manifestation of the 93 Current. On the other hand, you will eventually be aware of phenomenal existence to a higher degree and realize that they are what I have been calling only “first trumpets” of manifestations.


Well, directly from experience I must give you an example of a “first trumpet” of the 93 Current where you realize that the Choir of Trumpets is yet preliminary. During the seventies e.v. women were obsessed by feminism and this example of the first trumpet of the women girt with a sword meant that although it should be studied carefully to observe its parallel with the 93 Current this is only the beginning of the level of freedom awakened for those who are of us as the Law of Θελημα grows stronger and stronger in the world. We might state although Feminism is an excellent magical sign for the Aeon it is yet manifested from the universal life insufficiently and it is classified as a “first trumpet”. We handle this issue with no issues from the Temple of Nuit. To step up the magical link more Thelemites would have to take Liber Nu and Liber Had seriously. This will result naturally with a second Trumpet alignment with the 93 Current. How this will manifest will be of special interest to Feminists on the Plane of Disks. When the Priestess speaks Her heart and tongue in the Temple of Nuit it has an effect on the universal life but the Path of the High Priestess as you can observe on the Tree of Life means the manifestation needs more participants in the Temple of Nuit for stronger magical links and we have the issue of dispersion. One Priestess in Our Hierarchy had the tattoo of the Seal of Babalon done which showed an awareness on some plane with regards to this issue. Well, knowing what can be done to improve the manifestation doesn’t mean I can accomplish it without more Thelemites that have advanced to High Priestess. Eventually, the second Trumpet of Feminism will manifest for it is inevitable.


Also, during the time of the life of my Instructor we had books on Feminism on the reading list where a new trend or Trumpet of the Aeon would have to be added or replaced. It was a deep and sublime learning experience to observe at least one sister who considered Feminism set in stone who completely betrayed the Order where her excuse to live her own life being a rationalization of her militant feminism lost touch with the reality of duty and dedication. Instead of arranging a vote she gave up showing the rest of the Hierarchy she misinterpreted her merge of Feminism. This was a shock and a lesson for me to note that the preliminaries of Feminism were inconsistent or not absorbed sufficiently for her to make the right decisions where she ended confused at the loss of our mutual Instructor and the woman that I thought she had become was all stage play. She enjoyed being number one on His Store of Women during His lifetime only to show her Feminism did not assist her being a woman girt with a sword in times of transition. She has been known and destroyed in our printed books as a filthy hypocrite and traitor.

Anonymous ID: 22776a July 1, 2023, 6:14 p.m. No.19108019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8027

California Fires – DEW – Directed Energy Weapons

Posted on 10/13/2017 by admin

Elana Freeland – Yes, this is the EXACTITUDE OF DESTRUCTION offered by AI (artificial intelligence) – run directed energy weapons attacks dependent upon our ionized, electrified atmosphere: structures gone, trees intact. For the military mind, it’s impressive, indeed. All the nano-aluminum particles in the buildings and soil after years of drought, years of chemical trails overhead, not to mention the plasma “cloud cover” laid 3 days in advance of this debacle . . . This is the face of modern tactical warfare in service to disaster capitalism and globalist fat cats. Were kings better than CEOs and interlocking corporate boards? At least the majority of kings loved their country and took pride in their people.

Drone footage of fire damage in Santa Rosa | Los Angeles Times | Buildings and Cars Destroyed – Trees and Plastic Items Untouched

Hopefully, you will read my second book on this technology when it comes out in January 2018 so you will understand how Space Fence lockdown works.

It is difficult to believe that our planet has been weaponized before our very eyes, but that is exactly what has happened. First, we were seduced by the convenience of a wireless world; then, atmospheric weather experimentation in the guise of carbons “climate change” converted the air we breathe into an antenna. Now, the geo-engineering we’ve been subjected to for two decades is being normalized as the “Star Wars” Space Fence rises around and within us. Is this the Space Age we were promised?

Buildings and cars destroyed – trees and plastic items untouched.

= DEW – Directed Energy Weapons – Even the head of Cal Fire for the state said on CNN he had no idea what started the over 60 strikes that came out of nowhere in the middle of the night without warning. Sudden, unexplainable winds kicked up to 60-70 mph, blue flashes and sparks were seen above by many, including me. Cars were torched, yet trees untouched. Homes were reduced to unrecognizable rubble….