That’s a stupid quote
Maybe Dr. Michael Youssef was right? Maybe the Muslim Brotherhood is the capstone of all terror groups and will usher in the Antichrist, who just so happens to parallel their 12th Imam or Mahdi or some such? I was always taught that the AC would be “European”, but he actually makes a great case for the AC being of Arab (Islamic) heritage.
Except I’m not Catholic. Neither is Dr. Youssef.
If that’s the case, and I’m not arguing against it btw, then it stands to reason that a Muslim would be the AC. Christians/Jews are much more likely to cave and compromise their convictions than Muslims. Not to mention Muslims have no problem with “convert or die” approach.
I need sauce on that one b/c I listened to his podcasts for years and never once heard him say anything close to that. In fact, I recall him consistently preaching that Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to salvation.
I quit listening to him a while back b/c ministry podcasts were consuming a large portion of my days. I tried listening to Wommack for a while but it seemed like the same exact sermon over and over and way too much talking about the millions of $ the new buildings costed and whatnot. I also listened to, but stopped listening to: Charles Stanley, Ravi Zacharias, and Alistair Begg.
Now it’s Grace to You (John MacArthur) & Love Worth Finding (Adrian Rogers - RIP) for me on the daily. Those seemed like the best ministries to me.
No, you’re just using selective reasoning to justify something you don’t like about Trump: he loves Graham. He has always liked/supported Graham and he had no idea that Graham was/is so unpopular that he would literally get booed off the stage. Trump had no clue that was going to happen. If he had, he wouldn’t have subjected his good buddy Graham to the embarrassment. It is what it is and I, for one, am not going to pretend it’s anything other than what I just stated.
Exactly. He seems to be tone deaf when it comes to some specific people/issues.
Yes. Some people can’t vocalize. God does not ignore them b/c they can’t speak.
Trip 9’s!
It makes me wonder if he’s now been discarded by the people who exalted him in the first place? They used him as a means to an end, they no longer need him and, as such, no longer support or entertain his lunacy, & he’s now breaking down because he’s just figuring all of this out.
I would agree as God knows our innermost thoughts and needs. He doesn’t need us to tell Him anything. However, prayer is God’s way of allowing us to communicate with him and acknowledge our belief in Him. He has a plan and gives us the privilege of participating in seeking and fulfilling His will.
Until there’s more validation then yes.
Generally speaking, yes. I have often thought, after the fact, that maybe I was running late because I needed to be (or not be) at a certain place at a certain time. For example, say I was taking the kids to school one morning and going to work afterwards, but one of the kids was dragging their feet that morning or maybe in the bathroom too long or whatever and that days schedule got thrown off. Now I’m late and maybe frustrated about how the day started, but maybe if I hadn’t been late I would have gotten into a bad accident or something. I think about stuff like that often actually.
Ya know I’ve heard sermons where this was brought up. Basically, you would pray to God like you would talk to your father (or whoever) because He is your Father. To illustrate that point, Dr Rogers would utter a mock prayer with a bunch of old English thine and thous and it would sound so, as you said, arrogant. It sounded ridiculous because it was. Not that there’s anything wrong with old English per se, but if it’s not how you normally talk then why talk that way to God?